
Sena, also known as the Phantasm of Io, is the foremost expert on the Dream World and a member of the Chimera Council. As the only member in touch with the dream world he serves as an intermediary between the Alliance nations and the powerful warlocks and demons that dwell on the other side of the waking world. Although he often sees his position as a system leader as an unengaging side job, giving many the impression that he is little more than an aging carefree playboy. Sena is actually one of the highest functioning leaders of the Alliance has ever seen when his accomplishments in the dream world are taken into account.   He maintains his residence in the Frog Borough of Lion City in a mansion known as the Fortress Phantasmagoria. He hosts a variety of guests from there from both the Dream World and waking one, including a long line of courting ladies out to rob him of his bachelor status.   After Jin Bei was injured fighting with Prince Lucas, Sena nominated the Party into the Corsairs and offered them lodging at the Fortress Phantasmagoria while they prepared for the Corsair exam. They returend the favor by saving his life when he was captured and dragged into the bowels of source by a Daemon manifested by Prince Lucas's guilt.  

Early Life

Sena was born from a union between a mortal and The Reikeh Goddess. Together with his brother, Ravi, he exhibited prodigious proclivities in the Dream World. While Ravi busied solely himself with hedonic and prurient interests, Sena took occasional breaks from hedonic and prurient interests to engage with the affairs of daemons and mortals. As a being born with a foot in both worlds, Sena saw himself uniquely positioned to become a bridge between them.   Sena began his mortal career at the Homyn Academy, augmenting his natural abilities with boundless knowledge. He ascended to the ranks to become the dean of the College of Dreams, and eventually, the headmaster of the entire Academy.   However, his academic accolades were merely a day job. In his dreams, Sena wore many faces--from the representive for mortals in many daemonic political bodies all the way to acting as the Spirit of Holly Tide who delivered gifts to Homyn children.  

Uneasy Allies

Sena's efforts to manage relations between daemons and humans hit a snag when a Reikeh daemon named the Prince of Fury sought to conquer the Waking World, sending his general the Bride of Terrors to lead his armies. While the daemon hunting Blades of the Morning slew the Bride of Terrors, Sena fought in the Dream World to ensure the Prince didn't follow up with reinforcements.   He reluctantly partnered with the Prince's brother, another Reikeh named Christoph Ebliss, the Lord of Bargains. Sena didn't trust Ebliss's intentions, but the two shared some common ground of being the more responsible one out of a pair of powerful brothers. Together, they managed to imprison the Prince of Fury and end the invasion. But no favor from the Lord of Bargains comes without cost, and Christoph Ebliss was rewarded for his efforts with his own demi-plane, High Mephisto, which he has turned to a hub of trade and commerce between both daemons and humans.  

A Troubled Patient

Sena was rewarded for his efforts by being excised from his position at the Academy by the ruling Koan Empire. But when one lives as long as a daemon, regimes eventually change. After Nasser Graham defeated The Undying Empress, he offered Sena a seat on the Chimera Council.   However, the new king's needs involved more than just political counsel. His young son, Prince Lucas, suffered from a sickness that inflicted night terrors and made him vulnerable to the Dream World. Sena provided Prince Lucas treatment by routinely bolstering his defenses in the Dream World, while also ensuring the King's second child, Princess Halle did not meet a similar fate as her brother.   While exploring the Prince's dreams, Sena saw troubling signs in his thoughts that could cause the system no end of trouble in the mind of one with the political power that often came to the descendants of popular royalty. Nevertheless, he believed the privacy of dreams to be sacrosanct, and kept the confidential secrets he learned close to his chest.   Sena's worst fears came to pass when Prince Lucas, in conflict with the Corsairs, set off a hyperion bomb that destroyed an entire moon. The Party witnessed the event in their efforts to join the Corsairs, but their accounts were met with mixed receptions by the Chimera Council, particularly Prince Lucas's mother, Queen Eleanor Arkades. Sena, knowing the truth of matters by virtue of being privy to Prince Lucas's dreams, made a rare show of actually attending a council meeting to grant them all nominations. He also allowed them to stay at the Fortress Phantasmagoria while they prepared for the exam.  

Dances with a Daemon

As the corsair exam approached, Sena sensed dark tidings stirring beneath Lion City. A powerful daemon stalked the depths of Source, which Sena reasoned might be the result of the city's collective grief over the destruction of Aspidie.   He urged the council to postpone the exam, but their need for more corsairs outweighed caution and the other members denied the request. Sena did his best to protect the examinees against the threat, and urged his guests to exercise caution.   During the exam, Prince Lucas confronted the corsairs hoping to put an end to their dispute once and for all. But when they took the high road and refused to fight him, the daemon attacked the Prince. Sena intervened just in time, realizing he had erred in his assement of the daemon's true nature. It was not a product of grief, but of Lucas's own guilt over the destruction of Aspidie. As such, it sought to destroy anyone who knew the truth of the event, Sena himself included.   The daemon dragged Sena to the bowels of Source. He was rescued however, by the Corsairs and Princess Halle, who used special lanterns Sena had provided them to ward off the daemon's petrifying gaze.  

The Mysterious Mr. Orpheus

While Sena balanced the interests of the Dream World and Waking World on a tightrope, his brother Ravi continued to enjoy a carefree lifestyle in the dream world. He took to peeping on others' dreams, and his revels had become so ongoing that he'd even lost track of his physical body.   In his youth, Ravi had founded an illegal fighting arena in the dream world called the Circus. To resolve his debts, he sold the enterprise to Christoph Ebliss who turned it into one of the preeminent entertainment destinations in high mephisto for warlocks and daemons. As the Circus grew in popularity, Sena worried about its influene on the Dream World and that it might rekindle a "taste for blood" in mortal flesh.   Still bound by his prior agreement with the Lord of Bargains, Sena donned a disguise of Mr. Orpheus, a masked promoter who founded his own league to take down the Circus from the inside. He encountered the party once more when Ravi brought Wukong into the Circus to fight for him. Sena managed to convince Simon to join his league, but whether he will be successful and what Christoph Ebliss may have up his sleeve all remain a mystery.


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