
Also: Gluttony Daemons, Hungry Ghosts
Genus: Corpus Vitium
Habitat: The Astral Plane, The Waking World
  As embodiments of hunger, Jikin-Inki are notable for devouring all they encounter. They are plagued by a persistent and insatiable yearning for food in the physical world, despite lacking the ability to digest or draw sustenance from it. The birth of a Jikin-Inki has never been witnessed, but clerics suggest that they may arise from famines of sufficient magnitude, or by the starvation of a warlock of sufficient power.   Like hunger itself, a Jikin-Inki lies dormant through much of its existence, only rearing its true form when it needs to feed. When dormant, a Jikin-Inki conceals itself by devouring the spirit of a host and living inside its victim’s empty body, making it indistinguishable from any other resident of the waking world. The Daemon uses the host to continue to collect food, until its hunger culminates in a “black feast”: a devouring rampage that often results in consuming dozens of people.   Jikin-Inki dietary habits are a subject of debate. While it is clear they do not draw physical sustenance from food, their dietary habits consist only of prepared meals and humans, while leaving raw ingredients untouched during their black feasts. They have also been known to show predilections toward various cuisines, going so far as to track individual chefs, like culinary serial stalkers, only to eventually devour the subject of their adoration when they grow tired of their food. This has led some clerics to believe that, while they are not physically nourished from food, they do draw some form of fleeting psychic sustenance from its arrangement or preparation.   Jikin-Inki were first reported by Blade enclaves on Mong Bal during the second Imperial Century. The Order of the Morning's encounters with these illusive dwellers of the astral plane are few but memorable. Most notably, Ser Grey of Bella Magnakar was believed to have been devoured by one of these creatures while trying to save The Undying Empress’s head chef from a black feast. Another notable encounter, involved the Autumn chapter’s failed attempt to capture one by burning all food sources within a two-mile radius. Reports indicated that their attempts to restrict food sources only made the daemon more powerful, indicating that their strength may grow inversely with food intake. The Order’s Jin City chapter is believed to have several more documented encounters, but their records remain inaccessible,


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