
Klarisia is the captain of the Dark Home and leader of the pirate faction known as the Scourge of Io. Along with Jin Bei, she grew up an orphan in the employ of Jim Kestrel during the early years of the rebellion against the Koan Empire. A gifted child, she exhibited a strong connection to the dream world that often made her the favorite over her foster brother.   At an early age, Klarisia was kidnapped aboard a koan dreadnaught that the rebellion planned on sinking. Luckily, she survived the incident unscathed thanks to a rescue mission mounted by Anh Edonia, Jin Bei, and Jim Kestrel himself.   After the rebellion, Klarisia shared her old captain's distrust of the Chimera Alliance and chose to continue life as a pirate. She found great success, forming the largest pirate armada outside the Rim known as the Scourge of Io. Something of an old-school pirate, Klarisia imposes a code of honor among her crew that forbids acts of barbarism. Although, her fleet has grown in size to the point that she is not always able to enforce those policies.   In her middle years, Klarisia took on a Scalfi crew member named Boris Decland. The two of them shared a special bond and over time he took on the name Helix, which he received serving aboard her crew. When Helix reached the limits of what she could teach him, Klarisia used her connections with Jin Bei to get him a nomination to join the corsairs.


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