
Lorian is the current proprieter of the Orphean, the preeminent musical tavern on Mons Mirror. He attended the College of Songs with the Crew's musician, Ezra.   Lorian's history is divided across two timelines, thanks to the reality warping powers of the Traveler's Song that Ezra used to rewrite history. In the original timeline, Lorian was an obssessive compuser jilted out of fame when Ezra cheated against him in a music competition. However, Ezra put things right by changing the timeline to its current state, where Lorian won the competition and took over his friend's position as proprieter of the Orphean.  

Early Life

In their student years, Ezra and Lorian shared a friendship and rivalry. Ezra put minimal effort into his compositions, instead relying on improvisation and showmanship to squeak by. Lorian, however, was an ardent devotee of musical academia, almost to the point of ignoring the art form's aesthetic qualities.   In spite of, or perhaps because of, their differences, Ezra and Lorian became fast friends. They both aspired to play in the tavern that sat beside the College of Songs called the Orphean. The tavern’s main stage, called Hyde’s Stage, was famous throughout the system as being a crucible of magical song-craft. Aspiring musicians would spend years auditioning to obtain their silver pipes, which gave them permission to use the stage to compose powerful new songs. The only rule that governed these performances was that the same song could never be played on Hyde’s stage twice.  

A Life-Changing Performance

Despite working years on his composition, Lorian was furious when Ezra bested him by putting seemingly no effort. It didn't help that Ezra's performance charmed his way into the bed of the witch Calliope, a proprieter of a section of town catering to daemons and warlocks called Little Mephisto, whom both Ezra and Lorian had been courting. Lorian descended deeper into his studies, trying to craft music that would best Ezra with near flagellating dedication.   The Party met Lorian when after an information broker hired them to seek out the composition of Ezra's song. He helped them piece it together by pointing them in the direction of others who had heard the performance.   He suffered a crisis of confidence upon realizing the elegance of Ezra’s composition, and admitted that Ezra, despite putting minimal effort into his musical training, was the better musician. To cheer Lorian up, Simon revealed to Lorian that the song wasn’t written by Ezra, but was an ancient composition called the Traveler's Song he had plagiarized from the Xahir people. Lorian was considerably angered by this but continued to work until he cracked the composition. In an ecstatic moment of equal parts joy and jealousy, Lorian explained that the song did much more than he had originally thought, and that Ezra was foolish to waste such a powerful composition on simply trying to impress the music fans of Mons Mirror. With a few tweaks, Lorian realized that the song could do much more than stop time, but it could rewrite it. Before the Corsairs could intervene, Lorian began to play and they found the world around them begin to disappear.  

Rise of the High Composer

Lorian was not bashful with his newfound powers over time. He created an authoritarian society where everyone was forced to share his appreciation of music, and those who lacked musical gifts were siloed in a shanty town called the Dumb Quarter. Of course, Lorian placed himself as the head of the society, donning the mantle of the High Composer. He also outlawed music that clashed with his aesthetic and academic ideals, labelling the use of such unapproved compositions and instruments as the crime of discord.   Lorian had a justification for his brash actions, telling himself that these changes would only be temporary, allowing him to acquire knowledge of a society that placed music above all else so he could bring those compositions back to the timeline he knew. However, Lorian found himslef having difficulty letting go of the attention and recognition he had desperately craved for so long.  

The End of an Era

History does not roll over easily to the dramatic changes Lorian tried to impose on it. The longer he existed in his new world, the more difficult he found maintaining it. In order to preserve his history, he needed to gather a massive symphony of the most skilled musicians to play the Traveler's Song.   However, his great symphony and the worlds it propped up came crashing down when Ezra and the Party broke in with a band of discord musicians to overtake him in the most epic battle of the bands history had ever witnessed.  

A Future Rewritten

With control of the timeline back in Ezra's hands, he decided to make things right with the friend he had wronged. While he restored most of the timeline to how it was before, he changed one key detail. In this new history, Ezra had never played the Traveler's Song at the Orphean and Lorian won the silver pipes in his place.   In this timeline, Lorian became the Orphean's proprieter. He also had a more self-assured personality, with a confident appreciation for both the academic and artistic aspects of music. When the Party came into his tavern to ask for a copy of the composiiton he played in the Orphean all those years ago for a job, he was happy to share it--none the wiser of the (several) histories they had previously shared.


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