
Melt is a Proto Fire Giant who serves as a deckhand aboard the Nomad. The Party adopted him after visiting the technologically advanced city of fire giants, known as The Lost City of Saxon. His heavy power consumption means that he spends much of his time inactive, but when called to action he makes a powerful combatant, decimating enemy ships' hulls with his beam weapons.  
Acrobatics 1d12
Cannons 1d10
Unarmed 1d10
Run 1d10
Spot 1d8

Traits & Edges
Pace 12"
Toughness 12
Damage (unarmed) 2d10
Capricorn Beam: 3d6 damage, 20 Loading Value

Remote Powered: Requires 2 power to awaken.

Heavy: Cannot Use Boarding Crafts.

Capricorn Beam: Can deal damage to ships and Leviathans. Can strike at Cannons Distance. Raises on damage rolls deal additional Hull damage rather than disable Fixtures.
  When the Forger created the spheres, they were populated only be his terraforming machine constructs. Eventually, he decided that he would give creating life a try and created the fire giants--a mechanical facsimile of true life forms that the Forger viewed as his children. By all accounts, Melt was an early prototype of the fire giants' design, taking on a quadrupedal canine form that was simpler and smaller than the towering bipeds that the fire giants are known as today.   While scavenging ruins from The Forge, a scout from The Lost City of Saxon named Volk found Melt frozen in the ice and brought him back online. The proto Fire Giant served as his faithful companion and pet, earning a place inside his home. Matters grew complicated when the Party arrived in Saxon searching for Volk with his little brother, Koba. Volk let them stay in his apartment where they met and played with Melt. Itthis, in particular, grew attached to him, finding a spot to scratch that made him reflexively roll on his belly. Eventually the Party uncovered a dark secret about the city--that the fire giants secretly ruled over the people and used their labor to build an army to conquer the spheres. The set out to escape with Koba in tow. The city's authorities raided Volk's home and placed a collar on melt to control him and sent him chasing after the Corsairs on Saxon's skyways. Itthis freed melt by petting him to roll on his belly and removed the collar. Having made their escape, Volk asked the Party to take Melt with them on their journeys, so that at least one of them would be able to live in freedom from Fire Giant rule.


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