The Forge

The Forge is a Progenitor ruin located on Jotun's North Pole. Its apearence is that of a giant mechanical tower reaching into the stratosphere with an asteroid suspended in naught gravity above it. The tower itself is divided into various sections representing the power to shape various aspects of the spheres, from the seas, to the land to the sky.   Originally created by the Forger to shape the spheres themselves, he called upon its power to create a race of elemental constructs called the Shapers. It later fell to the Geit Saints and their leader Olaf in the aftermath of the Saints' War, who used the Forge's power to give themselves new mechanical bodies imbued with various aspects of the Forge's power, imprison the Forger, and bind his Shapers to their will. For a time, Geit followers of the Saints and adherents of the Old Ways would make pilgrimage to the Forge to give offerings and perform rites in exchange for favors such as favorable winds, tides, and harvest. The most brutal of these rites required the sacrifice of a Clan Chieftain's first-born children, but offered the powerful boon of a young fire giant's heart of ember that could keep a city warm for generations.   The Saints' rule soon waned when one of their number, Shrike, launched a coup against Olaf in an attempt to free the Forger. In doing so, he created the Shrikevind and scattered the Geit Saints' followers across time. As the Old Ways and the saints faded into legend, so too did their grip on the Forge. Many Shapers once bound to Olaf's Old Ways, including the robotic bodies of the Saints themselves, broke free, claiming pieces of the Forge as their own territory.  

The Core Chabmer

  At the base of the Forge sits the Core, a massive power source that provides energy to Shapers who remain loyal to the Forge's current rulers. Uncountable corpses of fire giants who died defending the Forge during the Saints' War litter the core chamber's exterior, half buried in the snow. Inside, a being of pure ember energy called the Fire Giant Cleric is surrounded by a chorus of fire giant protectors. The cleric is responsible for meeting out the Forge's power to those who remain loyal to it.   Once, the Fire Giant Cleric was the first being pilgrims would encounter while making piligrimages to the Forge to make offerings and claim boons from the Saints. However, after Shrike's betrayal many shapers inside the Forge broke off from the core, relying instead on the nectar that powered other machines for sustenance. These "nectar drinkers" largely assumed control of the Forge, making it too dangerous for what few faithful pilgrims of the Old Ways remain to make their ascent. The only aid the Fire Giant Cleric can provide to these faithful is a warning not to ascend further.  

Raina's Throne

  Raina, the Geit Saint of the seas and tides, controls the Forge's lower levels. As the Forge fell into decay, Raina slowly lost control of her shaper body. With the last of her lucidity, she ordered the subjects who remained faithful to her to chain her to her throne.   Her section of the forge is filled with a number of powerful water-based Shapers who once helped her shift the tides. The Grim Anglers, tall cloaked constructs that fire electrified spear guns, served as her scouts and foot soldiers. The Reavers, prawn-like constructs with massive claws, are deadly aquatic combatants who can move about dry land by shielding themselves in a bubble of water. The Wave Sentinels, massive constructs who crush opponents with anchors from the ships sacrificed to Raina served as her heavy infantry.  

Front Chambers

Raina's mastery over tide crystals allowed her to shape and stack water like blocks of stone, allowing her to submerge parts of her domain without the need of a container for the water. Some blocks remain standing, pockmarking the antechamber with aquatic spaces.   A workshop to the west of the antechamber was once where Raina built and maintained her subjects and used her tide shaping powers to create new inventions, such as the Naiad Plate. A few of her loyal Shapers remain inactive inside, waiting to return to life with one of their master's tide crystals.  


A brig on the east side of Raina's domain was once used to regulate the temperatures of the seas and heal scars in the ice. When the nectar drinkers took control, they turned it into a brig to imprison loyalist Shapers as well as those from sections of the Forge ruled by other Saints who invaded Raina's territory. The Brig once held a wind construct named Vethyr, who escaped into Raina's domain after stealing the Forge's Hammer. At the far end of the chamber sits a lever used to open one of the seals on Raina's throne room. However, the blocks of water connecting the two parts of the chamber together have fallen into a large gap in the floor.  

Tide Crystal Chambers

On the west side of the chamber were the facilities Raina used to shape the tides. She harnessed electrical energy to create tide crystals, a watershaping ore that both powered her constructs and artifacts. Tide crystals charged in the tide crystal generator push water away, the holder to move blocks of water inside Raina's domain and create a barrier of air to traverse submerged areas. A leverused to open one of the seals on Raina's throne room sits in the room, but decayed pieces of the tide crystal generator have electrified the walls around it.  

Offering and Throne Room

Raina's offering room and throne room have been sealed by a massive steel gate that requires opening two seals to open. The entire area is submerged in water, requiring the ability to breathe water or create a bubble of air to enter. Raina sits imprisoned, chained to her throne surrounded by the burnt husks of ships that her faithful once sacrificed as offerings. She installed powerful tide cannons pointing at her machine body, to be used in case she ever might slip free from her bonds.   The Party defeated Raina when they descended the Forge, absorbing her essence into the Forge Hammer and unlocking the power to create icy terrain by striking the earth.  

Tormund's Garden

  The Geit saint of the lands and harvests, Tormund, rules the Forge's middle levels. As the Forge fell into decay, Tormund's priorities shifted from bringing life and fertility to the land toward building his own personal garden within the Froge. He is constantly pressing for expansion above and below him as his precious plants yearn for the waters from the resevoirs below and the sun from the skies above.   A number of deadly foes patrol Tormund's Garden. The Garden Overseers are earth constructs with hard carapaces, whose firearms shoot projectile seeds that sprout inside the user's body when they make contact with their bloodstream. The Northern Giants are the descendants of Tormund's Geit followers, enslaved by Tormund in his nectar-drinker form and grown to gargantuan sizes feeding off the garden's nutrient-rich food.   To keep the shape of the garden in check, Tormund places machines that disperse herbicides throughout the garden--giving him a degree of control over which plants die and thrive in his garden but also opening up vulnerabilities for those clever enough to use the chemicals to thwart his plant-based defenses.  

Offering Room

An offering room sits at the bottom of Tormund's domain where his loyal subjects once delivered plants that they harvested from consecrated grounds. As faith in the Old Ways waned, the offering plants are wild and overgrown, their vines covering mechanical bodies of invading Shapers from Raina's domain.  

Hydroponic Garden

A resevoir sits at the center of Tormund's garden that pumps water from Raina's domain. The water travels through a hydroponic garden whose fecund plants fill it with poisons that make the water toxic to all but the species in Tormund's garden adapted to resist it.   A river bisects the hydroponic garden blocking access to any who might succumb to its poisons. It flows around the outside of the forge to a poisonous tree where a powerful artifact called the Dagger of Sanguin Blossoms grows.  

Ultraviolet Chamber

The ultraviolet chamber uses sunstones stolen from Shrike's domain to supercharge the growth of Tormund plants. The Northern Giants whom Tormund enslaved work the fields in this area, growing larger and larger off its nutrient rich food. The giants are formidable foes, and any who wish to pass through are best served sneaking through the chamber's tall grasses or creeping along its trees.   The northernmost side of the chamber contains an elevated fountain that feeds the plants here from the toxic waters flowing through the hydroponic garden. Any who manage to enter this way can access the garden's canopies, which hold an ingestible plant armor used by the giants called Armor Ivey.  

Spore Chamber

Tormund creates new plant species inside the spore chamber, ventillations shafts crowded with toxic airborn sproutlings. Any intruders who enter this area will find plants taking root within their body, and must transit through quickly or find a source of herbicide to avoid having their bodies become corpse trellaces for the newest piece of Tormund's garden.   The Northern Giants, largely immune to the spores' effects, sometimes patrol the area, making for treacherous obstacles within the incubator's narrow passageways.  

Great Garden

The Great Garden is where Tormund himself resides. Unlike the other saints who opted for titanic and powerful machine bodies, Tormund's lithe and scurrying form covered in plants opts for cunning and multiplicity. He can draw upon the Forge's power to sprout copies of himself, hiding in his garden's tall grass, while the grasping vines of his carnivorous plants bat away or hold down intruders.   The Great Garden is constantly replenished through pools of toxic water that fill from the river in the hydroponic garden, meaning even those who manage to cut down Tormund's plant defenders will soon find themselves facing them again.   Tormund's insatiable desire for growth proved his undoing when he captured the Fire Giant Iggy that the Party was escorting to the top of the Forge. He hoped to harvest Iggy's ember heart to increase the size of his garden. The Party was able to free Iggy, weakening Tormund by freezing the toxic pools of water nourishing his plants. In a last ditch effort to claim his prize, Tormund attacked Iggy's surrogate mother, Rachel. This sent the young fire giant into a rage, burning down Tormund's entire garden. After the Party and Rachel escaped the flames, Tormund's essence reentered the Forge Hammer, granting its wielder the power to sprout tall grass by striking the earth.  

Shrike's Grave

  The Geit Saint of the winds and sky, Shrike, once ruled the top of the Forge. However, he rebelled against Olaf and his fellow Saints by attempting to free the Forger. Atop the Forge, Shrike battled the Geit Saint of war and battle, Tyr, who ended Shrike's rebellion by running his giant sword through the traitor's mechanical body. The area that became Shrike's grave now sits mostly bare and eroded, mostly unrecognizable save for a few structures and contemporary buildings put in place by Geit druids who still worship Shrike.   Powerful winds emmanate from Shrike's body, buffeting the top of the forge and threatening to blow anyone off who slips off the area's decaying walls. The Zephyr sentries, Shrike's lieutenants turned nectar-drinkers, pose additional obstacles, using their sniper rifles to pick off any who manage to cling to the Forge's windswept summit.  

Offering Room

An abandoned catwalk leads to where Shrike's adherents once left him offerings of objects from far off lands. Now the altars sit bear save for Shrike's sentries and the occasional Windswept Hawk who perches on them.   A few rope bridges built by white druid pilgrims connect the broken catwalk, but even they hang in disrepair, only momentarily bridging the gap between the broken pieces when a strong wind blows through them.  

The Chieftain's Tomb

Of all the Saints, Shrike was the only one who saw his ascension into a machine form as a form of death. He provided his mortal body with the burial rites befitting a chieftain. The Zephy sentries who remain loyal to him guard the tomb with their sniper rifles. The lack of walls around the connecting garden invide the winds from Shrike's nearby body, making what little cover the eroded confines provide unreliable.   However, it is said a journal kept by Shrike himself rests with his body, providing insight into the reasons for the betrayer saint's actions. The Party managed to recover this journal while helping pilgrim construct named Felix by lining the area with tall grass to move unseen by the snipers and timing their approach when the winds subsided.  

Sky Ampitheater

It was said that beore organic beings walked the spheres, the Shapers created weather patterns for aesthetic pleasure. The skies were both a canvas and stage, often viewed and appreciated at the sky amphitheater. It was said that a powerful cannon that could control the weather rested here, but the ampitheater's entrance collapsed as the top of the forge erroded and would require a powerful force to open again.  

Shrine to the First Winds

The Shrine to the First Winds predates even Shrike's occupation of the spheres and marks the location where the Forger created the Tradewinds. The shrines adherents guard its entrance with boulders that they roll down the adjoining hallway.   A statue of the Forger and the Four Tradewinds mark the center of the shrine, which can redirect the wind's direction by lighting and quenching the torches surrounding it.  

Zephyr Nursery

The Zephyr Nursery was built in a remote section of the tower by druids who worshipped Shrike. Small wind constructs called Zephyrs are raised and fed by a fountain of ancient air. A zephyr who drinks from the fountain can become a more powerful wind construct called a Gust.   The druids placed a series of bridges and baloons that connect the nursery to the main shrine, but that infrastructure has largely eroded. Only someone who could fly or control the winds themselves could cross before their weight sent the baloon platforms sinking.  

Ancient Battleground

The ancient battleground marks where Shrikes forces stood off against those of Tyr and the Saint loyalists. The area is scared by their terraforming energy and littered with the bones and mechanical bodies of those who fought.   Shrikes body sits at the top of the battleground, pieced by Tyr's sword. Unbeknownst to many in the Forge, Shrike survived the blow and sent his consciousness into a lowly zephyr sentry named Vethyr. He stole the Forge's hammer and snuck to the bottom of the Forge, pitting the Party against Raina and Tormund so the hammer could absorb the Forge's power. When Shrike revealed the truth to the Party, he ended his own life so that his own essence could return to the hamer, allowing the party to great propulsive wind geysers by striking the earth.  

The Forger's Prison

A meteor hovers above the Forge suspended in naught gravity. The final battle between Olaf's forces and those of the Forger took place here. After Olaf's victory, he remained secluded on the meteor, living in a modest shack where he could watch over his prisoner.   In the days of the Saints, clan cheiftains would come to the meteor to perform the Rite of Olaf, sacrificing their first-born in exchange for a young fire giant's ember heart to create an embermuur that power and heat their clans.   During the Forge's decay, Olaf kept his vigil, his supernatural powers keeping him alive for thousands or perhaps tens of thousands of years. He slowly lost his grip on reality, said to have been plagued by nightmares. In his madness, he challenged any who dared ascend the Forge.   The grounds of the area are littered with fire giant corpses and the rusted weapons of Olaf's soldiers who fell during the Saints' Wars. Olaf can use his resonance powers to lift the weapons off the ground, sending a storm of blades at any who attempt to fight him from afar. Those who get too close, however, face the wrath of his Hawking Axe, a blade made from pure resonance energy that slices through any armor or weapons it touches. However, Olaf's wounds and madness sometimes disrupt his connection to the axe, affording his opponents an opportunity to strike.   Nasser Graham once dueled Olaf with a resonance weapon of his own atop the Forge during his quest to find the Orphan Sphere. He emerged victorious, cutting a gash through Olaf's chest, but otherwise spared the mad progenitor's life. Nasser took Olaf's ship moored to the asteroid as spoils, and set off for lands unknown.   The Party followed in Nasser's footsteps, challenging a weakened Olaf. Using the power of the Forge Hammer, they avoided his attacks and landed a killing blow against him. Honoring an oath to the Habrok Queen, Freya, they performed a final Rite of Olaf by sacrificing the giant to harvest its ember heart and save the Habrok city from an icy death.


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