
Oliver Kestrel is a founding member of the White Lion Armada. Together with his twin brother, Thane, Oliver helped Prince Lucas build his forces and oppose the Corsairs. Some might even say the twins are really the ones pulling the Prince's strings. Oliver is the brains of the operation, using his genius intellect to deploy devastating strategies and incorporate ancient artifacts for mass production into the white lions' military forces.   Oliver has a cold and calculating personality, some might even say sociopathic. Being the first to take an ends-justify-the-means approach, he is believed to be behind some of the White Lion Armada's more brutalsitic actions like the deployment of Xabron shock troops and use of hyperion bombs. It is unclear exactly how much of this unsavory business Oliver shares with the Prince who nominally leads the Armada. With his brother Thane presumed dead, Oliver enjoys more power and influence than ever.  

Early Life

The son of the famous smuggler and member of the Pride, Jim Kestrel, Oliver never saw much of his father. Instead, he spent most of his time in Lion City with other children of the Pride. He was closest with his twin brother, Thane, and the Homyn Prince Lucas.   Distant and calculating in his personality, Oliver found himself detached from the moral quandaries and emotional tribulations most others experienced. Nevertheless, he found his companions useful to navigating Lion City's high society. Prince Lucas's popularity gave Oliver access to resources and connections he otherwise would lack, while his idealistic nature provided not so much a moral compass, but a heading to point his genius level intellect towards bettering society. His brother, Thane, understanding Oliver more than anyone, had a gift for putting his ideas into words that others found understandable and palatable.  

Rising Stars

After their father was executed by the Io East Orbit Company, Thane and Oliver capitalized on his name and smuggler's "black book" to form the Kestrel Brothers' shipping company and challenge the Orbiter's monopoly on the shipping trade.   However, their ambitions did not end there. Along with Prince Lucas, they passed the Corsair exam and accompanied the Prince and Jin Bei to Mong Bal on their mission to try to bring them back to the Alliance. They also traveled with two corsairs hailing from Mong Bal, Sun Guan Yu and Kylia.   While the details of this mission are sparse, the crew walked away from it in failure and a rift forming between Jin Bei and Prince Lucas.  

The White Lion Armada

After the mission failed, the twins helped Prince Lucas create the White Lion Armada--an organization dedicated to keeping order in the Chimera Alliance using military force using cutting edge disciplines and powerful ancient artifacts. While his brother handled the political gladhanding necessary to creat the Armada, Oliver applied his intellect to create a military force like nothing the system had ever seen.   Taking the Prince's directives to create a military that could keep order in the spheres, the White Lion Armada was a blank canvass for Oliver's mind to draw upon. It was the ultimate equation to solve, one that he could use the entire system and all of its knowledge and history to solve.   The central pillar of the White Lion Armada's new military philosophy would be to ignore the Alliance's restrictions on the acquisition of ancient artifacts. Oliver created a pipeline for studying and mass producing wepaons he selected from across time. He took the same approach with combat techniques, taking disciplines from across history and modifying them to suit a modern military.   The end result is an armada unlike anything the spheres have ever seen, that harnesses the best inventions and ideas from across history. One is likely to find everything from cybernetic stealth suits, to dream world occultists, to monster tamers within the Armada's ranks, all marching in step to Oliver's grand design.   While proud of his accomplishments, Oliver often clashes with Prince Lucas's ideals. His moral scruples and at-times unstable personality sometimes forces the Armada into sub-optimal situations. Nevertheless, the Prince's popularity makes his problematic nature worth putting up with. At least for the time being.


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