
Prince Lucas Graham is the son of Nasser Graham and the leader of the White Lion Armada. After a falling out with his former mentor, Jin Bei, Lucas and his armada became the Party's primary antagonists. Often described as volatile and unstable, it is not clear exactly where Lucas's moral center lies or how much control he has over the Armada he founded. Nevertheless, his exceptional popularity among the spheres and the powerful armada he commands make him a dangerous adversary.  

Early Life

Lucas was born a sickly child, plagued by night terrors that made it difficult for him to control his emotions and left him vulnerable to the effects of the dream world. So powerful were their effects that the prince's hair turned stark white one night after being trapped in a particularly vicious nightmare.   Such a condition would make life difficult enough under ordinary circumstances, but Lucas shouldered the additional burdens of being the heir to the Homyn throne and son of the most famous and popular hero on the spheres. Lucas often felt unworthy of his father's impossible legacly, but that did not stop him from reaching to further it.   His family did provide him some help by sending him to the spehres' foremost expert on the Dream World, Sena the Phantasm of Io. Sena provides Lucas treatment for his condition, strengthening his defenses and giving him tools to combat the horrors he faces in his dreams. Sena, as a matter of professional ethics, keeps the contents of Lucas's mind confidential, even when his thoughts and dreams turn toward destructive impulses.   Lucas grew up in the company of other children descended from the Pride. His best friends were Jim Kestrel's twin sons, Oliver and Thane. His younger sister Halle also often accompanied them on their outings. Lucas and Halle shared a strong bond, but he often found himself jealous of her effortless adventerousness and the favoritism their father often showed her.  

Joining the Corsairs

Despite the adversities he faced, Prince Lucas walked tall in his father's footsteps. He feared his illness would make his father's adoring subjects look down on them, but if anything, his vulnerability only boosted his popularity among the common man.   Lucas developed into an accomplished adventurer in his own right, and secured a nomination to join the Corsairs. Along with his friends, Thane and Oliver, he descended into the bowels of Source with all the spheres watching, and defeated the mutant, King Kaloo.   It should have been the happiest day of Lucas's life, but he returned to learn his father had unexpectedly disappeared. At a loss, he took up with his father's former crewmate (and leader of the Corsairs) Jin Bei in search of the missing king. Their mission grew more complicated when they learned that Source was also inexplicably running out of Nectar.  

A Schism Forms

Shortly after Nasser's disappearence, the Mong Bal left the Alliance. Jin Bei decided Lucas's first mission would to accompany him to bring them back to the fold. Many nobles, mercenary companies, and even peasant militias clamored to join the Prince to take the planet back by force. But Jin Bei taught Lucas that such tactics were antithetical to his father's vision for the Alliance and the Corsairs. Instead, they left for Mong Bal with a small team of Corsairs: Jin Bei, Prince Lucas, Oliver Kestrel, Thane Kestrel, and two Mong Bal natives; Sun Guan Yu and the Kitsune, Kylia.   Reports of what exactly happened on Mong Bal are sketchy, but the mission ended in catastrophic failure. While the crew escaped with their lives, Mong Bal remained well otuside the Alliance's reach. Some rumors from high level information brokers even hint at a doomed marriage between Prince Lucas and a Mong Bal girl.   Regardless of what happened, Lucas returned embittered and angry. He turned against Jin Bei and came to believe his father's disappearence was an act of cowardice, essentially giving up on the alliance rather than face its problems in the impending nectar crisis. As such, Lucas no longer put stock in his father's ideals, and vowed to return to Mong Bal and correct his mistakes--this time with an army at his back.  

The White Lion Armada

Lucas returned with Thane and Oliver and began a grand project of forming a navy for the alliance. They used the prince as a figurehead and namesake, christening their navy as the White Lion Armada.   Lucas saw the Armada's primary function of keeping the Alliance together in light of the looming nectar crisis, essentially holding together the government his father built by force. The Armada would leverage the Kestrel Brother's financial wealth inherited from their father and the newly-formed Kestrel Brothers' shipping company. It enhanced its power by playing fast and loose with laws restricting ancient artifacts, mass producing ancient technologies for their soldiers to deploy in combat.   Jin Bei came to see the Armada as a threat to the alliance and sovereignty of its nations. He and the remaining corsairs came into conflict with the Prince, trying to put a stop for his designs on military control of the system. That feud came to a head on the Koan moon, Aspidie, when a battle between Lucas and Jin Bei set off a hyperion bomb that destroyed the entire moon.  

A Guilty Conscience

The repsonsibility for genocide weighed heavily on Lucas. His guilt manifested into a powerful daemon in the ruins beneath Lion City that took the form of a chimera with the bust of a Mong Bal woman emerging from its back supine and upside down, her long red hair forming the monster's hair.   His conflicted feelings intensified when Jin Bei's newest proteges, the Party, came to Lion City identifying him as the perpetrator of the destruction of Aspidie. He confronted the Party beneath the city during the Corsair Exam and tried to convince them of the righteousness of his actions.   They declined his request to fight him and display how powerless they really were, when the guilt daemon attacked and grabbed Lucas. Sena descended into the bowels of source and saved the Prince, but not before being taken by the daemon himself. The Party descended after him, leaving Lucas alone and with much to consider.

The Battle of the North Sea

The Party next heard from Lucas when the White Lion Armada sent Thane Kestrel to invade Jotun. The invasion failed, thanks to the Party's, efforts. Prince Lucas went to the papers and declared that Thane had acted against his orders. Whether he truly believed those words or was simply covering up the armada's misdeeds remains to be seen.


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