
Pops is a futuristic hobo who serves as a deckhand aboard the Nomad. While strong in stature, Pops isn't quite all there in the head. He often raves about stopping people from putting machines in his genitals, and his screaming night terrors often keep his cabin mates from getting a good night's rest. Nevertheless, during combat pops is invaluable at protecting the nomad from enemy boarders, able to pick his opponents up an effortlessly throw them into the drink.   Pops was born enslaved in The Lost City of Saxon. In his youth, he fought in a revolt against the fire giants led by a fellow slave named Hakkon. Seeing the revolt as unlikely to succeed, Hakkon instead negotiated a peace with the fire giants that would keep the Geit under their control but to improve their quality of life by sharing access to their technology. Pops did not approve of the peace brokered by his friend, and lived as an insurgent against fire giants. As the rest of his people benefited from the fire giants' technologically advanced civilization, Pops remained a vagrant. He was a proponent of Geit supremacy ideology, not so much in that he thought the Geit were better than other races, but more in that he believed in purity of Geit bodies and rejection of the technological modifications that kept them under Fire Giant control. Pops lived a hard life on the fringes of his society, turning to alcoholism and spending most of his time at a bar frequented by other insurgents.   The Party initially encountered him as a suspect while investigating a string of Fire Giant murders. However, upon learning the truth of what was going on in the city, they attempted to escape enslavement by the fire giants down the Saxon skyway. Wukong found Pops sleeping aboard a train during their escape, where he awoke to throw their pursuers off the train. He took an injury in battle, but Wukong patched him up using a heal spell. Having made their escape, Pops lent his strength and unstable psyche to the crew.  
Unarmed 1d8
Block 1d6
Dodge 1d4
Traits & Edges

Toughness 8
Pace 6”
Damage (unarmed) 1d12

Night Terrors: 25% chance of giving all crew members sleeping in the same room a -1 fatigue penalty to all Tests made during combat encounters.

Pops Toss: When he succeeds on an Unarmed Test. Rather than do damage, may automatically throw a small or medium creature off the ship he currently occupies.


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