
Sigmund Albrecht is the Count of the moon Diamond and father of Simon. He took the throne amidst a crisis, a disease called Hog Rot decimating the moon's lumber population and shipbuilding industry. He saved the moon by marrying into the Rosmund family, rulers of the forest moon Entar, and securing a stable supply of lumber as a dowry.   While Sigmund learned to love his wife born from a marriage of political strategy, he could not say the same for his new brother-in-law, Cecil Rosmund. His progressive politics and sympathizing for vassal races sat at odds with Sigmunds more traditionalist views, and his entrance by marriage into the venerable Albrecht family would only serve to legitimize Cecil's dangerous beliefs. What was worse, the agreement between the two families required Sigmund's heir and oldest living child to marry Cecil's daughter, further ensuring intrusion into Sigmund's bloodline. It seemed the price to save his moon was a heavy one indeed.   A staunch traditionalist, Sigmund set high expectations of his sons both in for their abilities and thier adherence to Homyn tradition. Simon failed to meet either bar when he denounced his family inheritence to begin a mercenary career only to return home a failure. He punished his son by disowning and disinheriting Simon, the latter of which he technically lacked the authority to carry out under the Homyn Kingdom's strict ruels of primogeniture, but not a sould on Diamond was going to tell Sigmund Albrecth no.   Simon made life easier for his father by joining the Corsairs, a move that made him ineligible to inherit and rightfully passing the crown to his younger brother, Liam. But bad news swiftly followed good, and Sigmund was diagnosed by his alchemists with a terminal, debilitating illness.   As he lie sick, Sigmund learned of feuding between his two children and summoned Simon back home to sort the matter out. While he spurned his prodigal son any pretense of a warm welcome, Simon nevertheless impressed Sigmund by solving the dispute at the heart of the feud and saving Diamond in the process. Sigmund learned only later that Cecil had threatned to break off the lumber agreement once Liam took power, relying on the literal language of the dowry to be void since Sigmund's oldest living child and heir were now different poeple in light of Simon becoming a Corsairs. However, his eldest son managed to convince Cecil to back down on his threats.   Sigmund spends what remains of his life guiding Liam's hand at rule. While he remains unsure of his moon's future, he is glad to have two children worthy of their names.


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