The Alteri Diamond

The Alteri Diamond is a massive diamond ring that was stored in the vaults of Sir Latro's castle. It was originally the engagement ring given to Sir Reglas by Sir Phaedras. However, their engagement broke off when the empire fell and Reglas's friend Sir Latro held on to the diamond when Reglas asked him to get rid of it.   When the Party visited Alteri island for Reglas's bachelor party, Ryld got drunk and hatched a plot with the stripper, Nasty Graham, to steal the diamond. However, they were caught and after failing to swallow the diamond, Ryld spat it into Itthis's lap to get rid of the evidence. Itthis was having an existential crisis of his own at the time, and took the gesture as a sign of friendship from Ryld and put the diamond on his figinger. While the ring is worth a fortune, Itthis hasn't been able to pry it off since.


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