The Saints' War

The Saints War was a conflict of legend fought between the first Geit civilizations and the Forger's Shapers who sought to exterminate them. The seeds of the conflict began when organic life first emerged on the spheres. The Forger, who created the spheres themselves, saw these new arrivals as invasive pests--cutting down his trees and damning his rivers rather than use nature for its intended purpose. He set his Shapers against the Geit to wipe them out.   Highly advanced elemental constructs had little trouble against a society of stone age warriors. However, the Geit proved remarkably stubborn, surviving in small wandering clans on Jotun's south pole. For many centuries, they eked an existence as the prey of wandering Shapers and Fire Giants, using the machine parts they scavenged and fire giant blood to warm their camps.   The war took a turn when a hero emerged from beyond the sun's reach, a Progenitor named Olaf. Wielding an axe with a blade of energy that burned as bright as the sun, he rallied the largest Geit clans to mount an assault against the Forger. His main force consisted of the leader of five clans--Raina who led a band of pirates and sailors; Tormund a prosperous chieftain who had mastered agricultural techniques using fire giant blood; Shrike, a cunning strategist who led a clan of explorers and wanderers; Tyr, a chief who led a warlike clan of barbarians and berserkers; and Lundi, the hermaphrodite avatar of an ancient god of death and meade.   Together the Clans marched on the North Pole. They timed their assault with the fall of a meteor. In the climactic battle, Olaf himslef dueled the Forger atop the meteor. In the end, the Saints emerged vicotrious. They captured The Forge but did not repay the Shapers' genocidal ends in kind. Rather, the Saints ascended to godhood through artificial bodies, doling out The Forge's power to their faithful in exchange for them performing sacrificial rites.


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