Victim of the Art Report

General Summary

After befriending the possible vector, the "cursed" amulet was destroyed.

They dealt with Thomas Dengler using DG and had him abducted from his home with all the items belonging to the late grandfather Derek Wheeler artifacts and personal effects.
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The most likely scenario is that both Thomas and the artifacts are being kept in a DG black site never to see the light of day again.

The Cell also encountered the college radio duo "Tharp and the Wang" working for the website, they managed to get video of a second string highschool QB getting dropped through the windshield of one of the Cells vehicles. So the Cell promptly fabricated evidence using their contacts and skills framing the duo for all the murders, with the motive of trying to jumpstart their own broadcasting career. The are currently serving life in prison awaiting their appeals. got so much press after this event that they reached the peak of popularity and the "show" spawned several spinoffs and rip-offs in the following years.

Missions/Quests Completed

They stopped the killings and destroyed the amulet

Created Content

As P-X was blamed for the murders in the end, there will alawys be the conspriatory theorists out there wanting a more fantastical solution. Even though it might be the correct one, some of the more widespread are as follows.

Some people belive that the serial killer dubbed “Glenridge Chiropractor” is still out there looking for more teenagers to murder. They just stopped for one reason or the other.

Somesort of military coverup, as there was photgraphic evidence and rumors that an elite force of rangers infiltrated the national guardsmen that was helping with searching and "training". this is plausable as Francis S. Gabreski Air National Guard Base, only 30 km from Glenridge.

Some blame the Long Island Sasquatch for the killings (Bigfoot)

The Amulet
Synchronous Journeys into the Unknown
Report Date
24 Oct 2021
Primary Location
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