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Cinniah Mac Lainne

In a land as clannish and divided as Fasach, only a truly remarkable person could be beloved by all. There is one such hero here: this is Cinniah, bard of Clan Mac Lainne, who fought against the orcish invasion with all the clans of Fasach at her back.

Physical Description

Body Features

Cinniah was very famously a woman of breathtaking beauty. She had bright green eyes that were always shining with emotion and soft red hair that she always wore in a simple manner that only seemed to enhance her beauty. Her voice was known to be just as captivating as her face. It was clear and musical, even when she was simply speaking.   Her build was overall slight, but voluptuous. She wasn't strong, but possessed an impressive degree of agility. Over her life, she collected several battle scars, but none were especially deep or disfiguring. In her time, she was known as the most beautiful woman in all of Fasach, and was very desirable as a wife.

Apparel & Accessories

As is common in Fasach, Cinniah dressed very simply. Among her people, she preferred a green, low-cut tunic she would refer to as her "greatest weapon". In the wilds, she wore an unassuming set of studded leather armor, usually with a simple cloak that blended in with the wilds around her.   Her primary weapon was a bow, made by her own hands and intricately carved into a work of art. This weapon was powerfully enchanted, although details aren't known. In addition, she had short sword that never left her side. Her most prized possession, however, was a flute. She created this instrument herself, and the music she made with it was the source of incredible and beautiful magic.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cinniah Mac Lainne's origins are something of a mystery. When she was an infant, an elven woman staggered into the village of Clan Mac Lainne bleeding heavily and clutching the infant Cinniah to her breast. She collapsed and was soon dead, leaving no indication of where she came from and a healthy half-elven baby girl.   One of the clan's women, an elderly, heartbroken widow adopted the young girl and named her Cinniah. At first, she was treated with suspicion by the clan due to her nearly mystical origins. However, the clan's bard took her under his wing and discovered that she had the gift of bardic magic, where he did not. This discovery was cause for celebration by the clan.   Her life changed forever the day her adopted mother died, and not in the way she would have expected. During the funeral, the world seemed to fall away, leaving only the The Weird Sisters. In their bickering with one another, she heard that something was coming for her homeland. When the vision was gone, she saw the The Wild Hunt riding across the sky.   The sight of the darkest of omens spread fear among Clan Mac Lainne. Along with the clan's hunters, Cinniah volunteered to find out just what was happening. The hunters found out just in time to see the orcs slaughtering a neighboring clan. The hunters barely managed to escape unnoticed.   A debate raged among the clan as to whether they should fight or flee. Cinniah was one of the strongest voices urging them to fight, and unfortunately the chief listened. When they attempted to fight, Clan Mac Lainne lost. The few survivors fled, making their way all the way to the town of Chrastlin.   This was when Cinniah finally grew to understand the depth of the threat and swore to do anything in her power to stop the orcish invasion. She met with other clan chiefs and was honored as a bard and charmed many clansmen, but the threat of the orcs was taken seriously by very few of the chiefs.   She started using other, often underhanded means to get the clan chiefs just to agree to meet. She traded in favors, fought duels, engaged in seduction, anything to get her point across. In her time, it was even suggested she used assassination and bewitchment to force her will on the clans.   When all the clans' chiefs gathered in Chrastlin, Cinniah and survivors from other clans made a passionate appeal to work together. They attacked the orcish horde as one force. For the orcs, fighting a unified Fasach on one side and a unified Bjornland under Halvar Leifson on the other was too much for them. The horde broke into fractured tribes and scattered across Skogsmark.   With the threat defeated, all of Fasach idolized Cinniah. She knew full-well she could've ruled a now-unified nation, as Halvar did. She had no interest in imposing upon the clans' independence. Instead, she worked on rebuilding her own clan. She even had three children to an unknown father or fathers.   Even while raising her children, she never quite lost her wild side. She continued ranging across the wilds of Fasach and Bjornland. One day, she simply never came back from one of these forays. Despite years of searching, no trace of her was ever found.


Just like any other hero, Cinniah Mac Lainne is the subject of many stories, many of these impossible to confirm. These start with the mystery of her parentage. While it is generally accepted that the elven woman who carried her into the village of Clan Mac Lainne is her mother, her father is unknown. The most popular stories tell that he was either a powerful Otherworld being or the god Lugh.   There are also some tales regarding her love life. Cinniah is known to have taken many lovers, but it is said her heart belonged to none other than Halvar Leifson, the first king of Bjornland. The father of her children is unknown, but he is the most popular suspect. Others include archfey or gods, including Nuada, Bres, Oghma, or Lugh (mostly in these versions he is not her father).   Her disappearance is also the source of many stories. Some say she walked off the world and directly into the stars above. The most popular legend states that she was invited by the gods themselves to join them in Tir na Nog, the land of eternal youth. It was said she didn't want to abandon the mortal world entirely and swore to return in Fasach's greatest hour of need.
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bard of Clan Mac Lainne, Mother of the Moot, Hero of Fasach
Circumstances of Death
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft. 5 in.
120 lbs.
Aligned Organization

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