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"No better pockets to pick anywhere else in the land, especially if you're eager to meet Hel."   -Eerika Lokisdottir, priestess of Loki
To many, the people of Bjornland are little more than barbaric raiders, living in rough lodges in the wilderness. If such people could see Hjalwick, they would see a far different side to them. They would see a prosperous city of sailors, and traders, full of life and passion.


Bjornland is primarily a human nation, and so most of the people of its capital are also human. Since a large number of orcs and elves live in the wilds surrounding the city, some are found in Hjalwick. Also, there is a significant population of both half-orcs and half-elves, more than what is found anywhere else in Covenant.   As a port city, there are also a significant number of travelers that visit every day. These people can come from as far away as Kemet or Sakkal. As such, a more diverse population can be found here compared to the rest of Bjornland. Such travelers can include halflings, gnomes, or even tabaxi.


Much like Bjornland, itself, the government of Bjornland is very loose. Most of the nation's clans have some holdings in the city. They compete among themselves for wealth, territory, and influence. Among all of these small-scale conflicts, the citizenry are mostly left to themselves.   Hjalwick is also the proud home of the Bear Throne, and the king or queen of all Bjornland. The monarch very much rules the city, although there is very little actual law enforcement capability. It is here that the noble clans choose another to rule the clans of Bjornland after the death of the previous one, often a long and drawn-out process.


The greatest defense for the city of Hjalwick is the people. The noble clans each have their warriors serving to bring glory to the clan, as does the monarch. The volva are also capable of bringing their wizardly magic to bear in the defense of Hjalwick, and there are many priests to gods that love battle as well. Even the common people have honed a certain combat skill due to viking raids.   The geography also plays a role in the defense of the city. The fjord limits the direction an invasion by sea can take, and the mountains make attacking by land a challenge, even without city walls. The Fortess of the Bear is especially well-defended, surrounded as it is by both mountains and sturdy stone walls.

Industry & Trade

Despite the somewhat unsavory reputation of Bjornlanders among other cultures, Hjalwick remains a hotbed of trade. The Bjornlanders export goods such as mead or ale, as well as some rare raw materials that are hard to obtain elsewhere, such as walrus and mammoth ivory. Their imports tend to be luxury goods, such as precious metals, silk.   The best tradesmen of Bjornland flock to Hjalwick. Their blacksmiths are notably among the best aside from the legendary craftsmen among the dwarves or black elves. Also famous (or possibly infamous) among other cultures are the shipwrights that create the famous longships capable of crossing the ocean or raiding far upriver.


Hjalwick is built on a deep fjord off the ocean. Low mountains rise up not far from the shore. This makes it a city dominated by two parts. The lifeblood of the city is the port. The ships of both traders and vikings come and go at all hours, using a vast series of docks and boathouses. Dry docks are always diligently working to construct more ships.   On the mountains overlooking the place are two especially spectacular works. The first is the Fortress of the Bear, a stone and timber castle that serves as the home of the current ruling monarch. The other is the High Temple, a massive stave temple with shrines to Odin, Frigg, Thor, Tyr, Heimdall, and Freya housed within. Pilgrims visit from all across Bjornland, praying at these holy shrines.   In between the mountains and the sea is the part of the city where most of the population lives and works. Homes line the twisting streets and craftsmen tending their shops. The most well-known structure here is Flinkvanir Hall, the largest and most popular mead hall in all Bjornland. Warriors both common and noble often gather here to drink and feast before the next battle.


When the people of the Aesir and Vanir gods first came to the location, the perfect balance between beauty and defensibility made it the perfect place to settle. The easy availability of stone, wood, and fish made it even more attractive to settle. Followers of the Vanir, particularly Freyr and Freya created a mead hall in the area, making Flinkvanir the oldest structure in the city.   As the city expanded, more and more of the noble clans began to have holdings there, eventually leading to the construction of the Fortress of the Bear. This fortress-- indeed, Hjalwick itself-- became contested territory between the warring clans of Bjornland. The power of the clans waxed and waned for generations, with no particular balance of power lasting for long.   This remained the way of things until invaders came from elsewhere. Orcs swept through the countryside of the entire continent of Skogsmark, attacking the people of Bjornland and Fasach. When it seemed the stalwart Bjornlanders would be overrun, Halvar Leifson, sole survivor of the now-lost Jondrakr clan rallied his fellows and fought them off. In gratitude, he was crowned king, with all the jarls of Bjornland bearing witness.   From then on, the kings and queens of the Bear Throne oversaw an era of relative peace between the clans of Bjornland. There may have been innumerable raids, but serious war hasn't yet come to Bjornland since.


As with almost any other Bjornlander community, Hjalwick is built largely of timber from trees cut in the nearby forests. The roofs are deeply slanted to prevent the buildup of snow during the frigid winter. Many buildings are built partially into the ground, and often have central firepits to keep the inhabitants warm.   Many buildings, no matter how humble are heavily decorated. The logs making up the roofs are often carved to resemble tiles, as opposed to being covered in them. Many buildings are decorated with incredibly intricate knotwork carvings often depicting monsters, gods, and heroes.
Approx. 30,000
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