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"Beautiful as heaven on the outside, ugly as sin on the inside. Here's a little hint, no woman is that into you without it being bad news."   -Jace Cartwright, retired adventurer 
Many fey are creatures of incredible beauty, and many more are creatures of incredible danger and mystery. The seductive huldra that stalk the forests of Bjornland embody all of these facets of fey existence. Many liken then to the nymphs of Polisia, but they are far more sinister than those shy and demure guardians of nature.
Said the Spider to the Fly...   Huldra, as depicted here are indeed a creature in Scandinavian folklore, but I've taken a few creative liberties. Originally they were seen as elusive and perhaps a little mischievous, but mostly friendly (especially to coal-burners, for some reason).   I changed that mostly because I wanted a threat in Bjornland that wasn't physical. Those guys, battle-hardened and/or hopped up on mead wouldn't think twice before jumping into battle against a ravenous beast, but a creature like this they might truly fear.

Basic Information


It is a common belief among certain scholars that huldra are somehow related to nymphs, inhumanly beautiful creatures tied to nature. Indeed, their unnatural beauty is obvious, although it is touched by an inhuman aspect. A huldra possess an animalistic tail, most often that of a fox.   Another unnatural feature all huldra have is a hollow space in their back. It isn't known what might lie within this space or where it leads, as those who look into it see only blackness. It has even been suggested that the beauty of the huldra is merely a disguise covering something different, although none have discovered the truth of this.   Huldra are physically weak, but like many fey, their magical powers are their true threat. They have incredible powers of seduction, and unlike many such abilities victims tend to be blissfully unaware of any harm the hulra causes them. They also have other abilities used to hide themselves in the forest around them if they do not want to be seen.

Genetics and Reproduction

As with nymphs, such as dryads or vila, huldra are all-female. As such, it isn't entirely clear where they come from. Some believe they are simply born from Bjornland's forests. Others, however, theorize that they are born from their union with male victims. However, no young huldra have ever been seen.   Indeed, as some believe huldra are nymphs, they could naturally bear half-nymph offspring. The existence of such children has not been confirmed, however. It is believed that no half-huldra are known because they are killed by their mothers, rather than bring left as foundlings as most half-nymphs are.

Ecology and Habitats

Huldra are most known in the forests of Skogsmark, primarily Bjornland, but a slight few might be found across the border into Fasach. They maintain lairs in the Otherworld, most often resembling cabins, but few people but bewitched victims ever find themselves there. These places tend to be filled with the possessions of those the huldra has slain, but few are of any value.   They tend to eat those that cross their path, as their powers can charm animals, they make up most of the huldra diet, particularly deer. However, they strongly prefer humanoid flesh. Since their appetites aren't unnaturally ravenous and they are quite rare, they don't have that drastic an effect on the environment around them.


Huldra are predators first and foremost. They enjoy humanoid prey more than anything and use their beauty to lure them to their doom. They thoroughly enjoy the act of seduction, and often wait until after coupling with especially attractive victims to kill them.   Stories tell that they sometimes get a particular attachment to some people, even falling in love and giving up their murderous ways. These same tales often say the huldra have a strange affinity for those simple folk who live off of manual labor, but specifics tend to be very dramatized, leading many to believe these are just tales.
Average Height
5 ft. 3 in. - 5 ft. 9 in.
Average Weight
90 - 120 lbs.
Geographic Distribution

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