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"If you're going to Sakkal, look out for the scorpion-men. They mean you've found two things: treasure and death."   -Jace Cartwright, retired
The deserts of Sakkal are home to many crumbling ruins. Many of these are untouched by all, their treasures left unplundered. These aren't always left unspoiled because they can't be found, however. Sometimes, this is because of the guardians that reside within. Unlike the lammasu, the man-scorpions are the servants of evil, often guarding places associated with dark magic or gods such as Lamashtu, Abzu, or occasionally Tiamat.

Basic Information


Man-scorpions are fundamentally unnatural creatures, classified as fiends by arcane scholars. They are ideal protectors, not needing food, water or sleep. Instead, they are thought to be sustained by the dark magic that binds them to the mortal plane. This power grants them abilities such as the ability to conjure a wall of fire or paralyze attackers.   They also have the power to manifest any weapon they desire. They most commonly use this power to create polearms or bows. These weapons remain after the man-scorpions are killed, and have a basic enchantment that drains the life from those they strike. They usually banish these before their deaths to prevent their killers from wielding them.   They are more than dangerous enough with without weapons, however. As their name suggests, they have the bodies of human men from the waist up, and the rest is that of a massive scorpion. This grants them deadly pincers and a stinging tail with a lethal venom. In addition, their scuttling legs grant them a surprising speed and incredible agility.

Ecology and Habitats

No matter what, man-scorpions are never found in the wild. They are always summoned into the mortal plane to serve as protectors, and are never seen in any other capacity. Due to their association with the powers of evil, they are always out of sight, usually found in isolated ruins and in the sanctuaries of evil mages.   It isn't known just where in the Planes Beyond they are summoned from. It is believed they reside with the dark gods they serve, protecting them just as they do when called by mortals. Few dare to look any deeper into their origins for fear of attracting the attention of the forces of darkness.


The man-scorpions don't just serve the powers of evil, they are among the vilest of creatures, themselves. They are utterly sadistic, thoroughly enjoying causing pain to those intruders who cross their paths. These creatures spend their days imagining what manner of torments they will inflict on the intruders who will cross their paths.   Despite their unbelievably evil nature, man-scorpions are incredibly loyal creatures. No matter what, they never betray their masters, and never even complain about the most monotonous of guard duties. Even with their summoners long gone, they maintain their posts, keeping away all intruders.
Average Height
7 ft. - 7 ft. 10 in.
Average Weight
800 - 900 lbs.
Average Length
10 - 11 ft.
Geographic Distribution

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