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Among all the lands of Covenant, the terrain of Nahrica is known as one of the most unforgiving. This is a land of shifting sands and burning heat. This is the home of the nations of Kemet and Sakkal. In this place, there are vast open areas, hiding wonders like the ruined city of Gilgesh, protected by the harsh land and buried by the desert sands.


More than anything, the terrain of Nahrica is dominated by deserts, although it's not exactly as simple is that. There are three rivers that make this land far livelier, the Rivers Sebt, Likkus, and Eunaric. In between both locations, there is a narrow bay that serves as a very effective border.   On the east side of the continent is the land of Sakkal. The desert in this area is flatter and more rocky, interspersed with dried brush. Cutting through this land are the Rivers Likkus and Eunaric, known to the locals at the Tears of Ea. On the northern part of this land, vast canyons are cut into the ground, leveling out a great deal the further south the rivers travel.   The land on the western side of the bay is Kemet. The majority of this land is much finer desert than Sakkal, home to vast rolling dunes that kick up dust in energetic sandstorms. The Sebt, a vast, gently flowing river sacred to the Kemetans winds its way through this land.


In a lot of ways, Nahrica as a whole is very inhospitable to life in general. This is mostly due to an overall lack of fresh water. As such, the vast majority of plant and animal life are centered around the rivers that make their way through the land. Also among these are scattered oases often in very out-of-the-way locations.   Due to the general hostility of the landscape, the land lacks the diversity of others, such as Skogsmark or Acitern. The mundane creatures of one land are usually found in the other, mostly due to similarities in the terrain. This includes lions, camels, hippopotami, crocodiles, jackals, and hyenas.   Magical creatures are often rarer than those found elsewhere. Many of those are based around civilization, such as Kemet's undead guardians, the mummies or Sakkal's sacred protectors, the lammasu and man-scorpions. There are some more natural magical beings, as well, particularly the dragons often found in Sakkal, the sphinxes of Kemet, and the werecrocodiles, Nahrica's unique lycanthropes.


While most are unsure of how much of a role the gods took in creating the land, the Kemetans believe that the creator god Ptah built the land specifically for his kin, and by extension the people that gave them worship. As soon as the land was eventually ready, the gods' people including Bastet's tabaxi we're brought in to inhabit it.   Others, however, believe that Sakkal was the first place the gods' people inhabited. It is said that the Anunaki claimed this land for their own first, and Ea created the rivers to give it life. The story also goes that the best parts of this land were stolen by the Olympian god Hermes to create the islands of Polisia.   After humans were first brought to Sakkal, they created a pair of cities near the Tears of Ea, naming them Gilgesh and Enkidd after ancient heroes. Both prospered until Ishtar took the throne of the Anunaki. She changed the the flow of the River Eunaric and brought down one calamity after another upon Gilgesh due to Ishtar's rejection at the hands of the city's namesake hero Gilgamesh.   The earliest history of Kemet, on the other hand, was defined by vicious civil war inspired by the goddess Sekhmet. Eventually, Ra himself had to intervene by granting divine power to a mortal, Hatemmaten I. The war only ended when he was crowned the first pharaoh in the city of Samaphis, with all of Kemet bearing witness.   Since the founding of both nations, both have faced threats from beyond the mortal plane. Sakkal faced a threat by demons from the sea, serving a demon lord claiming to be the god Dagon. This creature was eventually destroyed by Ur-Sharadin, a hero brought back from the dead by Erishkigal, goddess of the underworld.   Kemet's invasion was by even stranger beasts-- creatures that would come to be called mind flayers. They enslaved the minds of those who tried to fight them, so instead the son of the pharaoh, the mage-priest of Anubis named Amaunotep raised an army of dead to fight them. He defeated the mind flayers, but was cursed by Anubis for his sacrilege.
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