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Sakkal is a land of many mysteries. The desert conceals great danger and great treasures. Many of these places are guarded by sacred protectors, the lammasu and man-scorpions. While the wicked man-scorpions are the protectors of dark magics and vile gods, the lammasu are the servants of the forces of good.

Basic Information


Lammasu aren't native creatures to the mortal plane. Their otherworldly nature has left its mark on their bodies. They don't need food, water, or sleep. This makes them perfect protectors, capable of perfect and uninterrupted vigilance. They never even have to leave their charges, even for a moment.   Physically, they are hybrid creatures, similar to sphinxes, with the heads of bearded men, the bodies of lions, and wings of eagles. This means that they are capable of flight, with a surprising agility in the air. They also have wickedly sharp claws that they are more than willing to use in combat if necessary.   Even so, they are less adept at physical combat than their evil counterparts. They make up for this with their greater control of their divine power. Many of these abilities are similar to priestly spells, including the ability to heal physical injury, illness, or supernatural maladies such as curses. They are, however, more known for wielding celestial radiance as a weapon.

Ecology and Habitats

As celestial beings, lammasu have no place in the natural world. They are only seen as sacred protectors. Because of this they are most often found in crumbling ruins lost in the deep desert. However, they are sometimes seen in more civilized places, like temples and mages' sanctuaries. There are some even found in places of honor in cities such as Enkidd.   As celestial creatures, their true home is somewhere in the Planes Beyond, specifically with the forces of good that they serve. They rarely speak of their origins, but it is believed they serve the more benevolent Sakkalan gods such as Dagon and Ea. There they are thought to be guardians, much as they are when summoned by mortals.


Lammasu are primarily known for their patience and loyalty. This makes them incredible protectors, not only capable of staying put and watching over their charges but more than willing to do so. They are also very principled, only choosing to serve the cause of righteousness. If their summoner is long gone they remain, but possibly giving their charge over to those who also serve goodness.   While they have infinite patience and are perfectly satisfied to remain in an empty room for an eternity, they delight in conversation. They love to receive visitors of all sorts, so long as those visitors don't threaten their charges. They are also known to have an incredible value for life, preferring to drive off invaders rather kill them wherever possible.
Average Height
5 - 6 ft.
Average Weight
500 - 600 lbs.
Average Length
7 - 8 ft.
Geographic Distribution

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