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Pieter Ammoran

It is sometimes said that beside every mage is a warrior protecting them from the blades of their enemies. In the company of the heroic wizard Vidar Elf-Child, this was no armored knight or muscled brute. Instead this was an Aciterni swashbucker with an easy smile on his face. His name was Pieter of the Ammoran Clan.

Physical Description

Body Features

During his life, Pieter was known as and incredibly handsome man. His skin had a healthy tan from a life in the sun and was accessorized by a few fine scars. He also had a roguish mustache and goatee, as well as brown hair that hung down to his shoulders.   True to his fighting style, which favored speed and finesse, he wasn't especially muscular or tall. Instead, he had a leaner athletic build that favored grace over power. He seemed to move like a dancer even when he was performing the simplest movements like walking down the street.

Apparel & Accessories

Naturally, Pieter always dressed in the style of his people, no matter how formal the occasion. This usually included a colorful cloth worn over the head and large amounts of jewelry. He also always wore a hardened leather vest over a white shirt with voluminous sleeves.   His main weapon was a rapier, usually of very simple construction and lacking in much decoration. However, he gained better weapons as he adventured around the world. He also carried several daggers that he was quite adept at throwing both for the purposes of combat and performance.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pieter was originally born into the Cammalleri Clan. Among his Aciterni family, he had a very happy and carefree childhood, only learning the art of swordplay and knife-throwing as a means of performing, but he also once needed to protect the clan from goblins.   Eventually, during the travels of the Cammalleri Clan, they met with the Ammoran Clan. As is tradition among the Aciterni clans, when they met they traded several members as a means of keeping their bloodlines varied. Pieter was among those traded.   For a time, he was happy traveling and performing with his new clan. Eventually, however, he grew restless. Although he was always traveling, he never truly left his home. He wanted to experience life away from the clans, and his fellows supported his decision.   The first place he went was the city of Bellailles, as the Reynardians have been traditionally more welcoming to his people. While there, he met the tiefling archer Simone Arquiox. His attraction to her was immediate, and she, too desired some manner of freedom and so they began traveling together.   On their very first adventure, they ran into some trouble when they investigated a graveyard where the dead were coming to life. There they discovered two things. The first was that this was far from a local problem, and the second was the Bjornlander hero Vidar Elf-Child.   The trio then tracked the source of the necromancy to a lich named Karad Blackheart. He, too was a hero born under the sign of the Wild Hunt. It was considered the darkest of omens and he was constantly mistreated for it. He blamed the gods and planned to use the people of Acitern against the lands of the gods.   The adventurers eventually discovered that the plague in the Aurandian city of Tarke was a part of his plan when he raised the plague corpses and besieged the city with his legions. Vidar and his friends suggested rallying the rest of the continent. Pieter even suggested bringing in the Aciterni clans.   It isn't easy for the clans to find each other in the best of circumstances. It required great effort, but they were able to meet with the clans' elders. In the end, convincing them to join the fight wasn't easy due to their peaceful ways. Luckily, as one of their own, Pieter was able to get through to them by appealing to their love of life.   Eventually, they were also able to bring most of the rest of the continent to their side. While they broke the siege, the adventurers confronted the lich. After a terrible battle, they managed to destroy him. Just as Pieter and Simone were about to celebrate their victory, Vidar revealed that the lich wouldn't be killed until his phylactery was destroyed.   It took time to locate it, but they did manage to track it down to a dungeon complex in Pranish. The place was deadly, with undead creatures unseen anywhere else and lethal traps around every corner. Pieter died to slay a skeletal dragon, but his sacrifice allowed them to recover and destroy the lich's phylactery.
Chaotic Good
Circumstances of Death
Killed in battle
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft. 11 in.
175 lbs.
Aligned Organization

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