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Among the idyllic small towns of Reynardia, there is one community that is both larger and more central. This is Bellailles, a city on a lake. This place has is known variously as a beautiful city, full of free-spirited people and as a den of thieves. As always, the truth is far more complex.


The population of Bellailles does have a human majority, but it is more diverse than many other cities in Acitern, with the possible exception of the Aurandian city of Tarke. There are nearly as many gnomes here as humans. Halflings make up the third largest population, although they are very much a minority compared to the others.   Because of the Reynardian regard for adventurers, and the greater tolerance of the local Church of the Light, many travelers come to Bellailles. A proportionately massive number of these are non-human, especially gnomes and halflings from elsewhere in Acitern. There are also adventurers, mostly from Bjornland, Fasach, and Polisia, which include elves, dwarves, minotaurs, and rarely half-nymphs.


As the capital of Reynardia, Bellailles is home to that nation's government. The monarch lives in his palace, but as with Reynardia as a whole, they don't have any real power here. The House of Citizens also meets here, but they make decisions for the kingdom as opposed to the city, itself.   Because they remain in the city, those elected to the House of Citizens have a much more hands-on role in ruling the city. There are a handful of representatives from different districts that rule these areas directly. The city as a whole technically doesn't have a unified government, but is subject to the House of Citizens.   The laws are enforced by an unofficial civilian militia. Overall, this militia has a reputation for corruption. Unfortunately, this reputation is well-earned, as many of these militiamen are more than willing to accept bribes from the many criminals that call Reynardia home. This is not to say there are no militiamen with integrity, but these are a minority.


Like many other cities, Bellailles is surrounded by a wall. However, due to a lack of local stone, this wall is earthen with a lumber outer layer. It is far more vulnerable to siege weapons and especially fire than stone walls, but it still makes direct assault a difficult prospect.   If invaders breach the walls or attack via the lake, they will have to deal with a large portion of the Reynardian army and the militia that keeps order. Fighting them through the streets is difficult, but the city has been taken by the Aurandians more than once.

Industry & Trade

There are two primary industries that make Bellailles what it is: fishing and logging. The lake is where a large portion of the city gets its food. Some of this is traded to nearby communities, but rarely further. Much of the city's wealth comes from logging, its lumber being shipped across Acitern.   If nothing else, Bellailles's population makes it an attractive destination for merchants coming to Reynardia. Most of these come from Llanuria, as well as from the nomadic Aciterni caravans. Bjornlander merchants rarely come this far inland, but Bellailles is something of an exception, as the people there pay well for stolen Aurandian goods.


The city of Bellailles is built on the shores of Lac Reynard. This huge lake is used mostly for drinking water, and fishing. The docks are not as extensive as they are in many other communities the same size, as this waterfront is used exclusively for fishing vessels. Fisheries and the homes and businesses of those that work there dominate this part of town.   The outermost part of the city is home to a large number of lumber mills as well as the housing to support those who work there. This is by far the most populated part of the city, as well as one of the most dangerous. Its influence over local politics makes it a tempting prospect for crime lords to control the city, itself.   The shoreline of the lake rises in elevation, creating an impressive cliffside. Directly overlooking Lac Reynard is the royal palace. Right across from it is the House of Citizens. The wealthiest citizens also live in this part of town, far from the fishermen and lumberjacks that live beneath them.


Bellailles was founded slowly after people started coming to Reynardia. The fey trickster Reynard the Fox sheltered criminals coming from Aurand, but did little else to help them. They needed to fend for themselves and find places to live all on their own.   They spread throughout the land, settling in the most promising locations. The place on the shores of Lac Reynard was one of the most appealing, and it's relatively central location made it even better. As the nation of Reynardia began to build itself up, Bellailles became a natural location as a capital.   Both because of its relative population and importance to the kingdom of Reynardia, it is the most important target for those intending for conquer that nation. It has been taken by the forces of Aurand many times throughout its history before being inevitably freed by rebellion not long after.   The city had very little involvement in the invasion of Karad Blackheart except as the hometown of Simone Arquiox, one of the adventurers that defeated him. In his attempts to convert the population of Acitern into his undead legions, he focused his attention on places with a greater population, especially Aurand.   Simone and her companions, including the hero Vidar Elf-Child attempted to rally the Reynardian government to get aid for Aurand, but were mostly met with failure. Few Reynardians cared enough about Aurand to raise the army. However, the adventurers personally were able to rally comparatively few Reynardians to face the undead. With the rest of the continent's forces, they were able to defeat Karad before the fighting reached Bellailles.


As the city is built in a dense forest, lumber is naturally the most prevalent building material. Buildings, both large and small are made of local timber. The exterior walls are made of large logs while the rest of the structure are thinner planks. The slanted roofs are almost always covered in wooden shingles.   This architecture gives the city a rustic look the Reynardians wholeheartedly embrace. Decorations normally only enhance this appearance, making heavy use of fur and earth tones. The people of Bellailles make heavy use of deep green banners that include fox fur.
Approx. 22,000
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