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Simone Arquiox

"Yes, I am demon-kin. I'm not about to apologize for being born just to suit your sensibilities."   -Simone Arquiox
It is widely recognized among adventurers that finesse and stealth are vitally important. These valuable skills are rarely earned honestly, however, making these sorts of specialists seen as suspicious even to their companions. Fortunately, the party of the hero Vidar Elf-Child didn't have this problem. Their expert in such matters was the Reynardian archer Simone Arquiox, and they couldn't have asked for a better friend.

Physical Description

Body Features

Simone's fiendish features were very subtle for a tiefling. Her green eyes had a distinctly feline look that was very difficult to hide, and she had wickedly sharp claws and fangs. Otherwise, she looked very much like an elven woman with an almost imperceptible reddish tint to her skin.   As is strangely common among adventurers of both sexes, Simone was incredibly attractive. She had both a beautiful face and voluptuous build. This rarely did her many favors, however, as most people found her fiendish nature too shocking to appreciate her beauty.

Apparel & Accessories

Simone Arquiox tended to go out of her way to dress like a charismatic lady outlaw. She usually wore a low-cut white shirt with a leather corset and bracers. Often she'd wear a brown or green cloak in those moments when she needed to conceal herself from sight.   Her primary weapon was a shortbow she created herself. It was made of darkened oak, decorated with beautifully intricate carvings. She also carried a shortsword and dagger, comparatively simple weapons carried just in case enemies threatened her up close.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Simone was the daughter of the adventurer Marie Arquiox and an incubus who seduced her. Unwilling to even look at her half-demon spawn, she gave her daughter to her brother and his wife to raise. Simone's aunt and uncle were wealthy, and she was raised in luxury, but was hidden away out of shame.   Unsatisfied with being effectively a prisoner in her family's estate, she developed the skill to sneak out and explore her native Bellailles on a regular basis. While she considered her escapades perfectly enjoyable, she still wanted to see and do more, but was afraid to leave the city on her own.   This changed when she met the Aciterni swordsman Pieter Ammoran. He offered her a way out of Bellailles, and while she didn't reciprocate his obvious attraction to her, she did enthusiastically agree to accompany him. She didn't even bother to leave so much as a note for her aunt and uncle.   During their travels, they investigated a graveyard whose deceased residents were rising from their graves. There they met a Bjornlander mage named Vidar Helgasen. He helped end the necromancy affecting the place, and they learned of the villain responsible.   This was a lich known as Karad Blackheart. He was a hero just like Vidar, but he turned his mastery over fate towards dark purposes. Born under the sign of the Wild Hunt, he was believed to be evil from the very beginning. He blamed the gods for the difficulty of his upbringing and sought to kill all of Acitern and use their bodies as undead troops against the lands of the gods.   Eventually, Karad besieged the plague-riddled city of Tarke from without and within. The adventurers attempted to rally the entire rest of the continent against him. They first traveled to Reynardia, but getting their support wasn't nearly as easy as they'd been hoping for.   The Reynardian parliament immediately refused to support their ancestral enemies, even with one of their own speaking for them. Still, Simone was able to get through to some of the officials, and she still knew some people from her rebellious youth. Reynardia might have refused, but many Reynardians still fought alongside the rest of the continent.   While the battle was raging in Tarke, the trio of adventurers were tracking Karad, himself. Eventually, they confronted him directly and even managed to defeat him in combat. Simone's relief did not last long, as Vidar explained that the lich's phylactery needed to be destroyed to truly kill him.   Through great effort, they managed to track the phylactery to a dungeon in Pranish. There they faced incredible danger in the form of traps and undead. This culminated in a battle against a skeletal dragon, which cost Pieter his life. Still, they managed to destroy the phylactery and save Acitern.   The enemy was slain and the day was saved, but the loss of such a dear friend affected Simone deeply. She resolved to give up the adventurers life and retired to Tarke. There she was hailed as a great champion. She spent the remainder of her days running a tavern named Le Beau Nomade, which remains a popular spot for adventurers.
Chaotic Good
Circumstances of Death
Natural causes
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5 ft. 5 in.
110 lbs.
Aligned Organization

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