Ender Realm
The Ender Realm is a land once prosperous, but due to their isolation has steadily used up all the resources they had available. These limits have forced ingenuity and innovation in almost every aspect of their life, in a developed connection between the mundane and the arcane technology.
The end islands all orbit around the Central Island in rings, with rings spinning in different directions but ultimately at the same pace. The islands' inhabitants mark the passage of time by their location relative to the Central Island, as there is only night this high up in the stars and thus no sun to judge time off of; however, they do use the same units of time as the other realms.
(MAKE ARTICLE ABOUT MINECRAFT TIME MEASUREMENTS USING https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Units_of_measure#Time)
The Ender Realm is the realm in closest proximity to The Beyond, leading them to be casually spiritual beings. Weather events are primarily tied to The Beyond, typically manifesting in winds of varying strengths and Spirit Flares on rarer occasions.
Dimensional plane
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Related Ethnicities
Characters in Location
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Professions