Castle Beon Building / Landmark in CREATION | World Anvil

Castle Beon

Castle Beon is a fortified stronghold, build upon two rocky hills within the Scavenger Lands. It is located half a day's ride to the west of Nexus.    Since RY 777, Castle Beon functions as the Headquater of the Errand Knights

Purpose / Function

Castle Beon is the headquater and stronghold of the Errand Knights.   In normal times, new recruits are sent here for training. In the yard within its walls, members of the company are trained in single combat, and formation combat. For mounted combat, the lands surrounding the stronghold are more suitable.   In times of danger, the stronghold's advantageous position gives them good chances to survive a siege. The maximum capacity of the castle has not been tested yet. It is guessed to have the capability to house several thousand men.  


Castle Beon is located on two close standing hills. It's hard rocky foundation make and it's separation from the grass plains make the castle easily defendable and strategic advantageous. The Castle can be entered through one singe entrance, a stone bridge over a natural dry moat.    The fields surrounding the castle has been allotted to the Errand Knights as well. It has been modified to act as training grounds for mounted combat and the occasional tourney ground.   
Directly connected to the main gate, this is the larges section of the castle. The central yard is the main training ground of the new recruits. Close to the barrack tower and part of the armory, recuits train here from dawn to dusk.   Long the inner wall, houses have been built for the support staff and other functionaries. The Kitchen, the pantry, the mess, the infirmary and a small chapel housing idols of different faiths can be found here.  
Accessible through a second gated bridge, the keep is the main commanding center of the errand knights. The great hall is the communal area of the officers and the Lord commander.   On the second level are the offices of the several functionaries, such as the treasurer, the archivist and even an war room. Some of the officers also keep their living quaters here, directly next to their office.   On the third level, is the living space of the Lord Commander. The tower connected to this part of the keep has been changed into his solar.  
Below the keep is the vault. Here, the gold, silver, jade and treasure of the companies are kept, inlcuding some of the finer arms and armor. No one but the Lord Commander and his inner circle knows of the entire content of this vault. It is guarded day and night.  


The records of the company says, that in RY 777, Lady Leofa granted Castle Beon to the first Lord Commander for a "service of honor". The exact detail of this contract was lost. However, two versions of this tale exists among the men of the company.   Most officers assume that the Lord Commander rendered a service to the then sixteen year old Lady Leofa, which she could not afford. As repayment, he was given her castle. Out of the respect for the Lady's virtue and to spare her embarrassment, Lord Commander destroyed the records out of honor.  
THE LEGEND:   One day while out riding, the young and beautiful Lady Leofa was set upon by a bands of outlaws. Her guards were killed and Lady Leofa fled on food. The first Lord Commander happened upon her fleeing, and valiantly defeated her pursuers and saved her life.   When Lady Leofa's evil stepmother offered Lady Leofa's hand in marriage to the Lord Commander, the Lord Commander softly declined on the grounds that Lady Leofa clearly didn't wish for this union. Out of gratitude for his honor and kindness, Lady Leofa gifted Lord Commander with the deeds of Castle Beon as a token of her affection.
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The truth is a bit of both. Lady Leofa's brother, a 3rd son of the family died in RY 776, ending the male line of the family. Young and foolish, he had ran away from home and tried to join the Errand Knights. However, he was not accepted by the Lord Commander. In an attempt to prove himself, the young noble was killed in a small skirmish.   Out of honor, Lord Commander still sought his only living relative, Lady Leofa, so he can return the young lord's sword to his family. Seeing that Lady Leofa was mistreated by her step family, Lord Commander offered his services. Admittedly, Lady Leofa is the last daughter of a small impoverished house and could not pay for his service.   Seeing that she was essentially a prisoner of her step mother, Lord Commander fought his way through the guards and rescued her. He rode north with her, delivering her to her distant kin somewhere in the hundred kingdoms. In gratitude, Lady Leofa asked the Lord Commander to take Castle Beon.   At that time, Castle Beon was already abandoned, since Lady Leofa could no longer pay for the castle's upkeep. It was too far away from her home, and too military to really generate an income. As repayment for her rescue and safe escort, she kindly asked the Lord Commander to "take care of her castle for her".   In the next twenty years, the Lord Commander paid a yearly rent to Lady Leofa. A ridiculously small amount for a castle this size, but it was enough to garantee Lady Leofa's a comfortable and modest life, until she died in childbed in RY 797. In her will, she named the Lord Commander as her heir to Castle Beon.   Contrary to popular believe, they were not lovers.
Errand Knights
Organization | Jul 13, 2021

honorable mercenary company from Nexus

Founding Date
RY 588
Owning Organization


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