Elric von Ross Character in CREATION | World Anvil

Elric von Ross

Ser Elric von Ross

Elric von Ross Is the Lord Commander of the Errand Knights  From the little interaction Auroponte Dii, Flame of Nexus remembers of him, he seems a honest and honorable man. Elric has established the tradition that every officer within the Errand Knights will have to fight him to determine their martial prowess before they can be made an officer. In his due with Auroponte, she suspects that he is not entirely mortal.    in RX 831, Elric stays a Castle Beon for some unkonown reason. 
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lord Commander
ca 40-50
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations
Errand Knights
Organization | Jul 13, 2021

honorable mercenary company from Nexus

Auroponte Dii
Character | Jul 20, 2021

Dawn Caste Solar based in Nexus, aiming to build her own army against the Realm.


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