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Lorgar Myorthor

Lorgar Myorthor

Lorgar Myorthor is an Zenith Caste Solar Exalted from the North. In RY 830, he claims to be an envoy sent by the Bull of the North for the wareffort. Later in the same year, he was banished from the Archipelago of Hesiesh's Fire for attacking one of the Brotherhood in open street.   In RY 831, Lorger was found to have turned to the Demons of Malfeast. For his betrayal, he was defeated by Auroponte Dii and Merodin the Wise.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lorgar is a norseman, supposedly from the southern shore of the white sea. Not much of his early life is known.    Several conversation with Lorgar suggest, that he was a veteran in the north, fighting for the Bull. Lorgar had hinted that he had fought against the Fair Folk many times. Much of Lorgar's stories are not confirmed. In RY 831, he was discovered to have become an Akuma, a demon worshiper. It is unclear when this change occurred.   Merodin the Wise, a mage from the north with contacts to Bull of the North, suspects that Lorgar is not who he claims to be. So Lorgar's past remains a secret.  

Recent History

In RY 830, Lorgar arrived in Nexus with his longhship the Wavewolf, representing the Bull of the North in the Scavenger Land's war effort against the Realm. He was received by Lady Auroponte Dii, representing the Emissary of Nexus. While staying at Auroponte's Mansion, Lorgar and Auroponte had several clash in personality and customs.  
Proud of his lineage, Lorgar behaved very poorly in his host's present. He was often condescending towards the "southern softies" and was observed to complaint and ridicuel about just anything in Auroponte's mansion. From the wine being watery, to not enough meat at breakfast. When spoken to, Lorgar expressed his "passion" by slamming into axe into Auroponte's carved table, simply "because it's what we do in the north!".   At the displeasure of his host for his "barbarism", Lorgar accepted etiquette lessons from one of Auroponte's elderly servant, as a sign of good will. In the same night, Lorgar seduced one of Auroponte's servant maids. When Auroponte learned of it, she forbade Lorgar from doing so again. Lorgar claimed that the maid was willing, so he had every right to take her. Auroponte immediately dismissed the maid from her service, which Lorgar has described as cruel and unjust.  
The matter of your virtue is your own business, Lorgar Myorthor. But you will not make whores out of my household.
— Auroponte Dii
The tension between Lorgar and Auroponte continues to rise. During their travel towards Good Harbor, Lorgar blames the loss of one of his crew members on Auroponte. (Details see The greatest regret).   After the ambush by a Wyld Hunt party from House V'neef, Lorgar and Auroponte again came to conflict. Auroponte found that Lorgar had no right to cremate her kin after their death without asking her, and Lorgar thinks Auroponte has no right to tell a Zenith what he could or could not do.   In the following argument, Lorgar called Auroponte a "realm whore" and that she is "too full of herself" and should "take the stick out of her ass". At such insult, Auroponte drew her blade on Lorgar. They exchanged only a few blows, before Auroponte retrained herself. She spared Lorgar, who was no match for the warrior, because she has taken a vow to never kill one of her own. Or Lorgar would be dead now.  
After the battles on the Archipelago of Hesiesh's Fire, Lorgar first met his Lunar Mate, the Red Tide. In his previous life, Red Tide had been a woman and Lorgar's consort.   At the end of the First Age when most of the Solar went mad, Lorgar was among the worst. He often abused her with his domineering powers. He tortured her mentally and physically over a long period of time. Because of his cunning manipulation of her Solar Bond, that tied her soul to his, she was in no position to resist.   In this life, Red Tide wants to take revenge for his previous life. Lorgar was devastated when confronted with the crimes of his previous incarnation. After some thinking, Lorgar promised to free Red Tide of this bond. He vowed that he will destroy all Solar-Lunar Bonds, so all Lunar can be free of their Solar Mates.   The very idea was met with outrage by his companions. The Lunars present called it a sacrilege, for Lorgar has no right to touch the gift Luna bestowed upon them. Lorgar did not agree, but did not try to persuade the Lunars. His vow remains unfulfilled.  
On a bright beautiful day, Lorgar was banished from the Archipelago of Hesiesh's Fire after attacking Umesawa Saiku in open street.   For no apparent reason and out of the blue, Lorgar ran up to Saiku and challenged him to a fight. Before Saiku could agree, Lorgar already attacked with the intension to kill. The duel drew a large crowd and was ended when Saiku managed to knock Lorgar unconscious, but not before being wounded himself.   The Solar and Lunar were all stunned and completely blindsided by Lorgar's sudden outburst, that none of them was there in time to stop Lorgar. For his crime, the Solar and Lunars would all be banished for their island and the newly formed alliance would be over.   Only after Auroponte's pleading with the brotherhood and her appeal to her uncle, Umesawa Garrel, Saiku's husband, did the brotherhood allow the Exalted to stay. Lorgar and his crew along would be banished. The inscription beneath the statue of the Celestial Exalted in the central Plaza was changed after this event.  
We are all judged for not what we are, but what we do.
  Without any protest, Lorgar set sail and left the Archipelago. Several days later, traces of the Wavewolf's wreck was found near a tiny island. No traces of Lorgar or the rest of the ship could be found.  
In RY 831, Lorgar reappared again. He and his crew sailed to the sunken temple to steal the Laurell of Intertwining Mercy. There, Lorgar dueled Auroponte to the death. However, the last blow was done by Merodin, who bound Lorgar with magic and scacrificed his soul and body to Sol Invictus.  


Lorgar is an arrogant and proud warrior of the North. Lorgar often holds himself above his younger peer, based on his age and experience as a veteran of many battles. He is especially condescending towards Auroponte Dii and the Night Caste Don Narunar . Lorgar is known to make decision for everyone based on his own personal experience.   Chosen as the priest of the Unconquered Sun and the king of kings, Lorgar often acts without consulting his companions. He is convinced that his words hold more power based on the nature of his caste. Even so, Lorgar has never worshiped the Unconquered Sun and has even doubted his existence. He worships a local deity called the Frostwolf.   It is unknown when Lorgar turned from the Sun and started worshipping demons.


Divine Classification
Solar Exalted
787 RY 831 RY 44 years old
Circumstances of Death
long and blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Owned Vehicles

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