The Wavewolf Vehicle in CREATION | World Anvil
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The Wavewolf

The Wavewolf is a northern longship, captained by the Eclipse Caste Solar Exalted Lorgar Myorthor . It carries the a fixed crew of 40 men, and can take up to 10 guests. It has only one deck and can be used for rivers and high seas.  
  In RY 830, Lorgar Myorthor was banished from the Archipelago of Hesiesh' Fire. Several days later, traced of a shipwreck was found no far away. The Wavewolf was summed to have been destroyed.   In RY 831, the Wavewolf and its crew were found in the sunken temple. During the events of Lorgar's Fall, the Wavewolf was destroyed by Auroponte Dii and Merodin the Wise.
Complement / Crew

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