The greatest regret Plot in CREATION | World Anvil

The greatest regret

RY 830

As an envoy of the Emissary of Nexus, Auroponte and other representatives travel to Good Harbor.   On route, Auroponte fell pray to the manipulations of the Deathknight Prayer of the Last Days representing the Walker in Darkness.

Plot points/Scenes

In RY 830, Auroponte was sent as Emissary's envoy to Good Harbor. She was joined by the Night Caste Don Narunar and the Zenith Caste Lorgar Myorthor representing the Bull of the North.   Even before the voyage began, Auroponte and Lorgar already had several clashes of personality. His rude mannerism was considered barbaric by her, while she appeared dishonest to him following the etiquette of the realm. Yet for the success of the mission, both swallowed their pride. Auroponte is not accustomed to travel with a northern Longboat, leaving her in some foul mood.   Shortly after the Wavewolf set sails, they were joined by the Deathknight Prayer of the Last Days representing the Deathlord Walker in Darkness. A long discussion broke out between Lorgar and Prayer, if the newcomer is to be trusted and is who he says he is. Irritated by the northman, Auroponte took Prayer's side, bringen the argument to an end. Soon after, the Lunar Exalted Ayura, Huntress of the Wyld found her way to the Eavewolf as well.  
  Being unfamiliar with these water, the Wavewolf drew too close to a bay known to have sea dragons. Wanting to avenge herself for wound its kin dealt to her ten years ago, Auroponte fought the dragon valiantly. Just as the dragon was to drag the longboat with it to the depth of the river, Auroponte jumped into the water to continue their battle.   Worried she too would be swallowed by the river, Ayura begged the Deathknight who had watched on the sidelines, to save Auroponte. Ayura worried that Auroponte wouldn't have the strength to swim back, being clad in heavy armor. After some persuasion, Prayer of the Last Days agreed. In a mighty display of his necromantic powers, Prayer summoned skeleton warriors from the depth to carry Auroponte back to the ship.   Once aboard, Auroponte made it clear that it was unnecessary. Her armor is enchanted to weight nothing, otherwise she wouldn't have dared her stunt.  
  The deed was done. Prayer channeled his power to save her. Now, he demands his payment. For Auroponte to live, one of them must die, sacrifice to his gos.  
A life for a life, so dreams my slumbering gods.
— Prayer of the Last Days
    His announcement is met with outrage. Lorgar refused to give up one of his men, he was so angry he even drew his axe. Yet something in Prayer brought the men of the crew to head his words. Quickly the men pushed a young man forth, a fresh sailor they have hired while ported in Nexus. Not being a northmen, none of the original crew of the Wavewolf felt much kinship to him.   Misu Taro struggled and pleased, but no one wanted to defend him. Wanting to get this over with, Auroponte stepped forth, promising him a quick and clean death. Terrified, Misu Taro ripped free his the two men that held him and jumped overboard. Just when the when the company was about to go after him, Misu Taro exalted into a Water Aspect Dragon Blooded.   Yet instead of revenge, Misu Taro only wanted to flee.  
  Driven by something she can't name, Auroponte jumped up and let her totemic anima burst forth from them. Stunning him just for a heartbeat, Auroponte led the charge upon Misu Taro.  
Kill him, he is a dragon's son! He has seen my face, he will bring the Wyld Hunt upon us!
— Auroponte Dii
    However, even the combined force of the Exalted could not overcome the brilliance of the second breath. Misu Taro escaped, this time vowing vengeance upon those who would sacrifice him to cruel dark gods.  
  Almost a year later, after a long mission in the western seas, Auroponte returned to Nexus by the same route. When she came upon the place Misu Taro exalted, she refelcted upon that moment and regretted her deeds bitterly.   She has brought shame upon herself and broken the code of honor she fights to upload. She knew that she was manipulated by Prayer of the Last Days, who had his way with people. Yet she could no longer bring herself to hate him, for when the moment of his end came, he sacrificed himself to save them all.   Until todays, Autoponte blames her own weakness. She vowed that should she ever meet Misu Taro again, she would ask for his forgiveness and make right what she has wronged.


Dark and dangerous
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