Nexus Flame - Session 2 Report in CREATION | World Anvil
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Nexus Flame - Session 2

General Summary

On the way back to Nexus. Everything is exactly the same, yet everyting changed. Huge triumph parade back to nexus, call back to her first caravan through Nexus.
Arriving at Square of Heroes, AKA Hero's Landing. Auroponte was surprised and awestuck by the crowd that came to see her return. (Botched Roll)

In the debriefing with all captains and Emissary, Daimyo Purotekuta joined the discussion. He is an arrogant and proud Lookshy Daimyo, here to make sure Nexus' forces are up to Lookshy's standard. Auroponte wants command over Nexus' forces, Daimyo disagrees on the basis that she does not have enough experience yet. 
Emissary made the deal "Once Auroponte gains the Daimyo's approval, she shall have the position." Daimyo is uncomfortable with the condition, but didn't reject. After the Daimyo left, Auroponte reveals the truth about the Scarlett Empress to the Emissary, and the name of the Spy she received this information from. They take a walk with the Council's Tower and speak of the future. 
Emissary: Do you feel wronged that I did not grand you the position you desired?
Auroponte: I don't resent you for it. I know I'm not completely ready yet. And I don't know how to get ready.
Emissary: It seems you know your goal, but not the road to it. [...] Do what is best for you, so you can achieve the best version of yourself.
Auroponte: But Nexus is to my City. It is yours. And Nexus will never be military like Lookshy.
Emissary: Nexus has something none other does.
Auroponte: A lot of people?
Emissary: Diversity. A thousand people. A thousand strategies. 
Auroponte: Oh, I think I understand now.

Auroponte returns home briefly, for the first time in a year. She orders the preparation for a grand celebration for their victory, for all military officers involved in the war. She personally delivers the invitation to her former comrades, the Errand Knights. She remembers how she got her officer posting by dueling the Lord Commander Elriv von Ross to a draw.  The commander is supposedly here, but he is actually not. Auroponte finds out he is hiding or meditating in Castle Beon. Kara, a red head gets Auroponte's invitation and will distribute them while Auroponte goes to find the Lord Commander. Auroponte suspects that Elriv is not mortal.  Outside the Errand Knight House, a crowd gathers to demand entrance to Auroponte's grand party. Auroponte tries to dissuade them by saing it's just a glorified tea-party, which no one believes. A young Dragon Blooded woman Amina Pattharaag uses the chance to demand a duel.  Auroponte wins easily with one single punch that sent Amina flying, after already being on the defensive for 3 rounds. Anima turns out to be a fan-girl, and she has some unspoken trouble he wants Auroponte's help with.
Auroponte: Why don't you buy me a drink and tell me about it? 
Amina: I'm Anima, it's an honor to meet you!
Auroponte: I'm Auroponte. Yibo, introduce yourself. 
Yuki: Hello, I'm Yibo. Nice to meet you. Are we friends now?
Amina: The wolf can talk?!?!?!
Anuroponte: You can understand her?
Anima: The wolf can talk!!!!!
Auroponte: Yuki, you can talk now?!?!?!?

Rewards Granted

3 EP

Missions/Quests Completed

Returned to Nexus without incidents

Character(s) interacted with

Emissary of Nexus
 Daimyo Purotekuta
 Amina Patharaag

Report Date
13 Jun 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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