Sword of Creation Item in CREATION | World Anvil
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Sword of Creation

The Sword of Creation, also known as Realm Defense Grid is located within the massive complex Solar Manse now known as the Imperial Manse. It is by far the most destructive and intricate weapon to have ever existed. Its power has saved Creation of the Balorian Crusade and ever since, it has guarded The Realm against all their enemies.   In the First Age, the designs and construction of this massive Manse were made by the Solar Deliberative. Under the guidance of The Unconquered Sun and the Primodial Planet Autochton, the greatest maker of all, this wonder has been perfected.   In the Second Age, the contents of this Manse is entirely unknown, the only person to have spend time in it being the The Scarlet Empress herself. After the Empress' disappearance, it is known that whoever shall enter and come out of the Manse alive would inevitably win the throne.
Item type
Unique Artifact

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