The Brightest Night Method Spell in CREATION | World Anvil

The Brightest Night Method

As one Solar cannot govern Creation alone, a single Night cannot uncover all secrets. In this need, the Lawgiver can cast his reflection upon the world, raising them to life to do more righteous work.  
The Brightest Night Method can only be cast at night for one hour per Reflection. A Lawgiver can make a number of Reflections up to the amount of his permanent Essence. The total sum of the Reflection's permanent Essence must not exceed the Lawgiver's. If uneven, Exalted always round up.   As it is difficult to maintain many thoughts in one single moment, a Lawgiver cannot maintain more than one version of himself in one scene. If staying longer than one scene next to the Lawgiver, the Reflection's thoughts and motivations will be overshadowed then consumed by the Lawgiver. The Reflection will fade, returning himself to the Lawgiver.  
As they are not truly the Child of the Sun, a Reflection has many limitations. A Reflection  
  • cannot create more Reflections
  • cannot actively use charms exceeding the demand on their (temporary) permanent Essece.
  • cannot attune to new Artifact
  • cannot extend their will to others by including them in the Night's Escape
  • does not have any capability of reproduction

  • A Reflection can be identified as a construct of Essence and Will with an Intelligence + Occult roll with the difficulty of the Lawgiver's permanent Essecen. To see the Reflection as what he is, one must have cause to suspect the Reflection as something different.
    A Reflection is born out of purpose. The Lawgiver's will becomes their Motivation, none two may share the same task.   Each night, the Refection sits to meditate, transferring its memory to the Lawgiver. If the Reflection fails to do this, he looses one permanent Essence, only regained by meditating the night after.   A Reflection my choose to meditate at any time at the cost of 1 temporary WP to transfer information immediately. The Lawgiver may meditate willing (Wits + Occult) and direct the Reflection with the full force of his skills.   The Lawgiver may use charms to influence his own Reflection. All influence made towards the Reflection is resolved within the scene as normal. During the report, the Lawgiver may counter the influence again with his full ability.  
    Created as an extension of the Lawgiver's will, a Reflection is not real and has no need for human needs. They do not sleep or eat, though they do so to keep up the appearance. A Reflection can regenerate Essence normally, though they cannot receive Willpower naturally, for they do not really sleep. When a Reflection has no more Willpower to spend, they will die.   If a Reflection takes lethal damage, no blood is spilled. Instead, sunlight will pour out from the wound. (A mage may roll Intelligence + Occult Diff 3 to understand what has befallen the Reflection. This can only happen if the wound is visible.) A Reflection cannot magically heal their wounds, for example with Charms like Body Mending Meditation.  
    If a Reflection dies violently, the Lawgiver suffers shock (-1WP) which she can counter with a reflexive Wits+Integrity roll to surpass the shock. If she fails, the Lawgiver suffers a -2 internal penalty for one scene.   A Reflection may retire peacefully, transferring all its memory smoothly.   If the Lawgiver suffers Limit Break, all Reflections vanish immediately in a burst of golden dust. Their memories are hence lost. If the Lawgiver dies, each Reflection has one action before vanishing into golden Light.  
    When a Reflection is created, it will be created as an exactly Refelction of the Lawgiver, including all material means.   The Lawgiver's attuned Artifacts and Hearthstones will be exactly duplicated, retaining all their magical abilities. When any attuned items or Artifacts are no longer with the Reflection for longer than a scene, they will fade into essence.
    As this is a recently discovered ritual in the second age, much of its mystery is still unkonwn. In the short time it has appeared, two distinctive exceptions have appeared.  
    Argus is the very first Reflection of Kagami to be created. It originally had the task to aid the Cult of Illuminated in Yu-Shan.   However Argus fled from his given task and found a new purpose for himself. He has never reported back to Kagami while he existed and has even developed a personality of his own.   Argus eventually retired willingly, after his own self-given task was done. He transferred his memories to Kagami all at once, causing immensely shock.
    This reflection was created as a weak version of Kagami, to act as a simple messenger.   Later when needed arose, Yu-Ahn was taken over by Kagami. In a ritual meditation, Yu-Ahn was eleveated to the sole Refelction of Kagami, an exact copy of the original, having all her skills and powers.   In Yu-Ahn's days, she has come to develop several meaningful relationship, including a sworn sisterhood. It is suspected that Yu-Ahn possesses the ability to reproduce.
      Heavy toll is exact on those who wish to wishstand the Lawgiver's might.  
  • A Reflection must pay 1 Willpower/day to resist its original purpose.
  • A Refelction must pay 1 addition Willpower/day to remain independent.
    Main User:
    Kagami, No Man's Child
    10m 1wp / Reflection
    Minimum Ability:
    Integrity 5
    Stealth 5
    Essence 4
    Obvious, Dramatic, Ritual
    Prerequisite charms:
    Flashing Nocturn Prana 
    Dale Luna's Chosen


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