Creation The path of Honor Timeline

The path of Honor

The life of Auroponte Dii

  • 801 RY

    3 Ascending Fire

    Birth of Auroponte Dii
    Life, Birth
  • 813 RY

    Betrothal to V'neef Hotaru

  • 820 RY

    Witnessed Hotaru's Exaltation

  • 821 RY

    Family Murdered
    Disaster / Destruction

    In drunken rage, Hotaru murdered Auroponte's Father, Mother, brother and household

  • 821 RY

    Ascending Fire

    Auropnte fled Blessed Isle
    Population Migration / Travel

  • 821 RY

    3 Ascending Fire

    Auroponte Exaltation

    Mortally wounded by Hotaru,
    Auroponte exalted into Dawn Caste Solar Exalted

  • 821 RY

    Resplendent Fire

    Auroponte settles in Nexus
    Life, Relocation

  • 821 RY

    7 Descending Fire

    Auroponte meets other Solars in Nexus
    Life, Organisation Association

    In the small market of Nexus, Auroponte first meets Solar Exalted.

  • 821 RY

    7 Descending Fire

    The Overpriced Chess
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    For the obscene sum of 18 talents of Jade, Auroponte won the bid for a orichalcum made chess set.
    She looses the set in the same evening to thieves.

  • 821 RY

    14 Descending Fire

    Expedition to Sijian
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    On the road to Sijian, Auroponte kills her first monster, a Seadragon.

  • 822 RY

    Return to Nexus
    Life, Relocation

  • 822 RY

    Student of Lore
    Life, Education

    Auroponte secretly starts attending private lessions by Master Losha.

  • 823 RY

    831 RY

    The Errand Knight
    Life, Organisation Association

    Auroponte joins the mercenary group, Errand Knights

  • 825 RY

    The Wyld Hunt
    Military action

    Whilte trying to buy Armor for Kuroyuki , Auroponte was attacked by a Wyld Hunt party.

  • 825 RY

    Resplendent Water

    Life, Failure / Mishap

    We do not speak of T.D.E.

  • 828 RY

    Emissary's Envoy
    Life, Organisation Association

    Auroponte officially starts working for the Emissary of Nexus

  • 830 RY

    831 RY

    Adventeuer in the East
    Diplomatic action

    Auroponte is traveled to Archipelago of Hesiesh's Fire and gained the Brotherhood as faithful allies

  • 831 RY

    Ascending Air

    Champion of Kathusal
    Military action

    Inflames is reveled as Hatsu, Auroponte's Brother.
    Greatest Battle between Celestial Exalted since the end of the First Age.

  • 831 RY

    15 Ascending Air

    Betrothal to Fang

  • 831 RY

    Resplendent Air

    Commander of the Northern Flank
    Military action

    Auroponte took command of the northern flank at the Battle of Lookshy Coast .
    Return of the Scarlett Empress

    Additional timelines
  • 831 RY

    1 Descending Air

    Return to Nexus
    Life, Relocation

    After the battle, Auroponte leads the army back home.

  • 831 RY

    2 Descending Air

    Duel with Fate
    Military action

    One night, Auroponte duels a myterious stranger she cannot remember.

    You should have killed me. That I live means you are not yet ready. -Stranger

    Additional timelines
  • 831 RY

    4 Descending Air

    Expedition to the Mines of Arakthul

    Additional timelines