Auroponte Dii Character in CREATION | World Anvil

Auroponte Dii


Lady Auroponte Dii (a.k.a. Lady Unforgiving)

Auroponte Dii, born V'neef Akihana, is a Dawn Caste Solar Exalted.   At the age of 20, she exalted during the murder attempt on her by her former betrothed V'neef Hotaru. As one of the Chosen of Sol Invictus, Auroponte has become "Anathema" to her kin. She hastily fainted her own death and fled the Blessed Isle.   After crossing the Inland Sea, Auroponte settled down in Nexus. Through smart investment of her fortune, Auroponte quickly became one of the city's richest person. Later, Auroponte joined the famed mercenary company, the Errand Knights to gain military and combat experience. During her years as a knight, she became renowned as a skilled warrior and earned herself the epithet Lady Unforgiving.   In RY 830, representing Nexus, Auroponte made contact with the Brotherhood of Hesiesh's Fire and gained them as trusted ally in the war against The Realm's invasion. There, she reconnected with her uncle Umesawa Garrel and fell in love with her immaculate monk Seli, the untouchable.   Recently, Auroponte accepted Fang's marriage proposal. After the Battle of Lookshy Coast, Auroponte returned to Nexus to further hone her military advancements.


  Ever since her Exaltation by Sol Invictus, Auroponte has dreamed of a new Solar Deliberative that would once again rule Creation and usher in a Second Golden Age. Marked by her experience in the Realm, she has come to believe that the Realm stand between her and her dream. She is dedicated to remove the Usurper the Scarlett Empress from the Solar Throne.    
Retake the Sword of Creation and build a new Solar deliberative.
  Because of her motivation, Auroponte has vowed never to kill one of her own, a Solar Exalted.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Training since childhood and empowered by the glorious most high, Auroponte is in the prime of her physical excellence. Blessed with eternal youth through her exaltation, she will remain strong and agile for millennia to come.


Average Sized and stout, Auroponte is by no means a great beauty. However, hers is an austere and elegant beauty. Always dressed in her artifact armor and the finest silken robes, Auroponte exudes wealth and status. She can never be mistaken for a commoner.   Her long white hair and pale fair skin are groomed with the best ointment and products from all over Creation. She is never seen with her hair unkempt and her crown of red silk, gilded ornaments and pale green flowers unfixed.   In times of war, Auroponte wears her magical and enchanted armor at all occasions. She has created a Mon for herself, a golden bridge under a bright sun on red filed. In the traditional style of the realm, Auroponte wears two swords on her belt, one Katana, one Wakizashi. She prefers to keep her artifact warblade Sunfury in Elsewhere.  
  I don't need to be pretty to punch you!
— Auroponte Dii

Martial Abilities

As a warrior of dawn, Auroponte has dedicated much of her time towards her skills. Versed in blade, lance, polearm, bow and arrow, unarmed and improvised combat, Auroponte now focuses main on reach weapons and unarmed combat. As Creation can be threatened any time, Auroponte knows that she needs to be ready for any and all situations.  
The warblade Sunfury is mainly used for melee combat against worthy foes. With this blade, she is as defensive with it, as offensive. With the charms Solar Counterattack Auroponte can hit twice as often as her opponent. Peony Blossom Attack allows her to combat multiple foes at the same time.
For mortal foes, Auroponte usually defers to her mundane swords.
Unarmed, Auroponte now practices the ancient and natural style of all Solar Exalted, the Solar Hero Style.
Infused with the sun's power, Auroponte steels her fists into iron. With Pillar Breaking Blow, no inanimate object can stand in her way. Against living opponent, the force of sun can end all fights at will, by throwing the foe 50 yards and more.

Specialized Equipment

Recovered by V'neef Hotaru on his first Wyld Hunt expedition, it was brought o V'neef estate as a trophy. During Auroponte's Exaltation, she instinctively drew the blade to her.

Once attuned, the shaft of the blade shifts between one-handed, two-handed or lance-type as the Exalt's will. In the hand of a clever fighter, this can be a vast advantage.

By spending one mote of Essence, the blade of this weapon ignites in holy fire, burning all opponent it touches.

Fashioned from the tooth of a sea dragon, this horn has no equal but one in all of Creation.

The dragon Auroponte slew on her very first expedition almost devoured her during the fight. After ripping all flesh from the dragon's body with his magic, Merodin the Wise found teeth still stuck in Auroponte's body.

He fashioned a pair of enchanted drinking horns from them. When the owner gazes deep into the fluid in the horn, they will sense the counterpart's general mood.
  • Chain Shirt (orichalcum)
  • Reinforced Breastplate (orichalcum, air enchanted)
  • Perfect Boots
  • Katana (exceptionally made)
  • Wakizashi (exceptionally made)
  • Sunfury (oricalcum)

  • Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Early Life

    Two weeks before she was due, Auroponte was born in An-Teng under the name V'neef Midori Akihana. Growing up as a mortal child of a mortal branch within the Great House V'neef, Auroponte was taught to be humble. The discipline to serve the Princes of Earth was instilled into her from early childhood. With no Dragon Blooded in her proximity, Auroponte grew up the eldest daughter of a noble lord, the most high born maiden in their land. Contrary to many other household within the Scarlett Realm, Auroponte grew up closely to her parents and younger brother Hatsu.

    In her adolescent years, Auroponte was the center of many sandals, embarrassments and eventually disappointment. Despite her clumsiness in lady's craft and awkwardness at socializing, Auroponte had a group of friends from her household or close noble families that vied for her favor. Though born mortal, Auroponte never doubted that the fire within her and believed wholeheartedly that Hesiesh's Blessing would be only a matter of time. After her betrothed V'neef Hotaru was indeed chosen by Hesiesh, Auroponte was often obverved running headfirst into dangerous situations to force her own Exaltation. However nothing came of it.

    After finishing boarding school, Akihana was kept from pursuing a career of her own. Instead, she was urged to prepare for her wedding to Hotaru and the duty as his wife. Conflicted, Auroponte still dutifully awaited Hotaru's return. In her waiting, she often dreamed of the splendid adventures at his side, and the glories they would win for the Realm and themselves in battles.


    Still honoring his promise to return, Horatu arrived at the V'neef estate on the 3rd of Descending Fire in RY 821, Auroponte's 20th birthday and coming of age celebration. Laden with his spoils of war from the Threshold, Hotaru prominently displayed two orichalcum artifacts before Auroponte, trophies he has won as member of a Wyld Hunt party. A chain shirt of exceptional beauty and a mighty warblade called Sunfury.   During the celebration, Hotaru drank excessively and was often heard to complain about the plainness of a mortal gathering, followed by boasts of his now much elevated status. Fearing Hotaru might abandon his daughter, Midori pushed for Hotaru and Auroponte to be wed as soon as possible. Hotaru instead pushed Auroponte's father to call off the engagement, for Auroponte is no longer worthy of him. He refused to be tied down by this "stupid mortal butch".   In the following argument with V'neef Midori, Hotaru's rage overtook him. Attacking Midori for his insolence, Hotaru killed him. As Auroponte's Mother and brother hurried over, drawn by the fire anima and the noise, they were attacked and killed too. Hotaru then continued his fevered rage, silencing anyone who saw his actions.   Witnessing this atrocity, Auroponte immediately attacked Hotaru in revenge. She was by far no match for the young Dragon Blooded. In his feverish rage, Hotaru was cruel and merciless. Once Auroponte was beaten, he continued to humiliate her, even attempted to "take her to bride, since she wants it to so much", right there among the corpses of her family. At the brink of utter shame and close to death, Auroponte prayed to the heavenly gods for power, since she knew then that Hesiesh would not smile upon her.   Her prayer was answered.  
    Sol Invictus personally spoke to her, lifting her up, raising her high and imbuing her with the power of a Dawn's Warrior. He charged her to protect Creation, to defeat his enemies and to always uphold what is good and honorable.   In her newly exalted brilliance, Auroponte bound the artifacts Hotaru has presented to herself. With her new won prowess, she defeated Hotaru within minutes. His betrayal marked her for nearly a decade.   Scared and heartbroken, Auroponte dressed a dead maid in her clothing. She then gathered the few survivor so her household and whatever valueables they could savage from the fire. Laden with great riches, she and her tiny retinue hastily fled the Blessed Isle without ever looking back.   On the ship bound for the Scavenger Lands, Auroponte renounced her name V'neef Akihana and reinvented herself into Auroponte. Soon, she settled within the freecity of Nexus.  
    Kuroyibo or Yuki is a female black dire wolf and Auroponte's most loyal friend since childhood. Yuki was not immediately present during Auroponte's exaltation. However her mind increased just like that of her master when the Unconquered Sun chose her. After the Exaltation, Yuki followed Auroponte to Nexus. Even since she was given to Auroponte as a pup, Yuki has never left her side.
      Being a magical Familiar now, Yuki grows large in size and possesses to mind of a 8 year old child. At will, Auroponte can share Yuki's senses, gaining the advantage of heightened awareness. As long as Yuki is close by, Auroponte and Yuki can also communicate telepathically. Yuki always possess the ability to understand her master's will.
      As Auroponte grows stronger in power, Yuki changes too. Auroponte can now store up to 10 motes of Essence without Yuki. Since relently, Yuki has aquired the skill to speak human speech.




    As the daughter of a Great House, Auroponte has had the best education any mortal in the world could hope for. All knowledge required to be a proper Scion of the Scarlett Realm, Auroponte learned dutifully, albeit with disinterest.   According to her tutors, Auroponte has no talent for music and dance whatsoever. The stage makes her awkward, and performing in front of a crowd makes her feel like a circus monkey.   Her ability to memorize and appreciate poems or ballasts were limited, learning those she liked quickly, but forgetting those she didn't even before the lesson was over.   During the lessons of administrations and bureaucracy, Auroponte could almost certainly be found sleeping or doodling more often than not.   Her tutors of ceremonials despaired of her also. During tea ceremonies, Auroponte could get angry because the water isn't cooking fast enough. She has no patience to grind the tea powder required and might beat the tea so hard the bowl would crack in her hand. Even drinking the tea as a mental exercise angered her, for she was known to shout "why so much fuss just to get a bowl of leaf water!"   Not even the most artful and creative crafts managed to keep her attention. Althought Auroponte found a liking in calligraphy, she practiced solely with a large brush writing large characters. Flower arranging she described as "useless", much to the disappointment of her teachers, for surprising all, her tutors praised Auroponte's taste.   In the end, only pottery kept her attention long enough to make the girl sit down for half a moment. Seeing her finally finding an interest other than martial art, no one dared to tell the Lady of House V'neef that her hands are not made to make things.  
    AUROPONTE'S VASES:   Even years later, Auroponte enjoys making pottery. As a famous personality among the collectors and autioneers of Nexus, she was invited to donate her craft for charity. Auroponte accepted eagerly.   In fear that no one would spend jade to buy her ugly vases and thus angering her, Auroponte's long time friend Asuma the Merciful offered to deliver her gifts to the auction houses. Secretly, Asuma switched her handiwork for that of a nameless master, to the benefit of Nexus's orphans and Auroponte's pride.   For years, Asume the Merciful continued his ruse. After the Fall of Asuma in RY 830, Auroponte discovered her vases within the apartment he had occupied at her Mansion. Thinking that he had loved her craft so much that he became the generous mystery buyer, Auroponte burst into tears.
      Later after she has fled the realm and settled in Nexus, Auroponte had a change of heart and decided to advance her social and scholarly skills after all.   Not wanting her peers to laugh at her, she secretly attended private lessons by the renowned scholar Old Master Losha, who soon became her mentor. Within the library of House Losha, Auroponte practiced calligraphy again. Twice a week, she had lessons in history, politics, law, geography, culture and religion. Even if none of these lessons gave her much joy, Auroponte was determinated not to be stupid.   During her time with the Errand Knights, Auroponte could always been found either training in new fighting styles or studying tactics and strategies. That, she excelled in.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    In RY 821, Auroponte accompanied a caravan towards Sijian. During the crossing of a river, she valiantly slew an attacking sea dragon, to no small cost of her own health.   In RY 823, Auroponte successfully repelled a Wyld Hunt party that followed her to Chiaroscuro.
    One day later, she traveled to a ruin outside the City to save a common man, on the behest of his worried mother.   While serving with the Errand Knights, Auroponte dueled the Lord Commander of the Errand Knights to a draw, thus passing her test to become a Knight Seargent.   In RY 830, Auroponte traveled to the Archipelago of Hesiesh's Fire as the Emissary's envoy. During her time there, she helped the Brotherhood repel a Fair Folk attack and gained the Brotherhood as valuable ally.   In RY 831, Auroponte commanded the northern flank at the battle of Looshy coast.

    Failures & Embarrassments

    Auroponte's failures are more often than not rooted in social situation.   At the age of 14, Auroponte was invited to tea with a renowned martial artist, the Master of Gentle Touch. During that tea ceremony, Auroponte was seated next to one of his students. Already annoyed by the tedious and boring tea ceremony, Auroponte became increasing frustrated by the "weirdness" of the situation. It ended with Auroponte flipping the low table over, after something "weird" happened to her again.   In truth, it was a test arranged by Master of Gentle Touch to test her suitability for the White Veil Society, a mysterious group of martial artists versed in unseen attacks during social events. Auroponte failed the test spectacularly by loosing her temper and drenching the master in tea.  
    ... that girl does not know the meaning of subtlety. I cannot teach her. Now would someone be so kind as to give me a towel?
    — Master of Gentle Touch
        Auroponte's greatest humiliation lies in the failed romance to the High Enlightened Grandmaster Seli, the untouchable.   Falling head over heals in love with the monk, Auroponte pursuit the 250 years old Dragon Blooded with all the elegance of an yiddim. Giving him morbid skulls of her defeated foes and trying to seduce him during morning training were only some of the ill-suited methods she clumsily employed.   Her romance to Seli ended in tears and heartbreak. Yet while it raged, Auroponte's utter inexperience in matters of the heart had caughed no small amount of trouble for every single member of the Brotherhood and her own companions, among them her future betrothed, Fang, the raging moonshadow.  
    The dragon of Mela must not rise.
    — Seli the Untouchable
        After the Battle of Lookshy Coast, Autoponte and Seli were both freed of their lingering feelings for each other through magical rituals. Realizing her own misbehavior and thinking that Seli looks way too happy to be rid of her, Auroponte now forbids anyone to mention Seli in her presence.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Rigid but honest, Auroponte is dedicated to honor.   From her thoughts and actions, Auroponte regards a person by honor alone. Dishonorable deeds are forgivable if the man seeks redemption, but will only be forgiven when redeemed. Creatures of Darkness can be friends, if they aim for a honorable goal, but need to be destroyed when fallen back to their sinister schemes.   Auroponte believes in moving forward. She rarely dwell on the past and refused to be ruled by the trauma of her previous lives. Auroponte keeps to the local law. She is known to geld rapists, hack the hands from thieves and hang murderers in the Scavenger Lands. However, within Nexus, she does not presume to judge those who do wrong, for it is not her place to do so.   Personal transgressions against warrant righteous revenge. Auroponte would not let anyone go unpunished who offended her honor or wronged her friends. Nor would she stay idle when crimes are being committed before her, unless the local law forbids her actions.


    Auroponte is a honest person. She is often direct and unabashed, althought sometimes stiff. She treats every person with sincerity and dignity and only judges them for what they do, and not who they are. (Unless Creature of Darkness and Enemies of Creation.)   She is often described as a gut person, acting more on feelings than logic. When there is wrong done to her, it will warrant immediate retaliation. When someone shows her kindness, Auroponte repays it generously and swiftly.   Auroponte has also been described as humorless by those who do not really know her. Yet once they become friends, Auroponte enjoys acts differently, with an socially awkward humor to her.


    Wealth & Financial State

    Over the last decade, Auroponte has risen to become one of the richest person in Nexus.  

      When she arrived in Nexus with her recovered fortune, Auroponte was not good with her jade. Knowing her own shotcomings, Auroponte asked Asuma the Merciful to look over her accounts. Following his suggestions, Auroponte invested in many lucrative businesses in Nexus. Later, she bought land in the Scavenger Lands, all resources that sustain her generous life style.  
    THE CURSED MINE:   No one wanted this mine, no one could hold this mine. Infested with hungry ghosts and undead, this mine could be lucrative, if it can be worked.   Auroponte bought this mine exactly because it was cursed. For years, she used this haunted mine as a training group, fighting endlessly against the hordes of monsters that dwell within.   However Auroponte's personal training dungeon was transformed into one of the betters source for her income after she invited Asuma the Merciful to visit the mine. She intended the trip to be a merry and challenging training expedition. Asuma mistook her invitation for polite request for his help.   In the heat of battle, Auroponte realized too take that Asuma fully intended to clear this mine of all Creatures of Darkness. Not wanting to flee from the fight, Auroponte went along with his intension. Although she does not complain about the extra boost to her already vast fortune, she still mourns the loss of her very own dungeon.


    Contacts & Relations

    ADDITION:   Broken Mask of Forsaken Truth   Merodin the Wise   In Flames the World Shall Die   Seli, the untouchable

    Family Ties



    Auroponte Dii

    Betrothed (Vital)

    Towards Fang, the raging moonshadow



    Fang, the raging moonshadow

    Betrothed (Vital)

    Towards Auroponte Dii



    Auroponte Dii

    Elder Sister (Important)

    Towards In Flames the World Shall Die



    In Flames the World Shall Die

    Younger Brother

    Towards Auroponte Dii



    V'neef Hotaru

    Betrothed (Trivial)

    Towards Auroponte Dii



    Auroponte Dii

    Betrothed (Vital)

    Towards V'neef Hotaru




  • Auroponte has an irrational and prejudicial dislike of northmen
  • Auroponte once bought strong slaves, set them free and offered them to join her cause. She still does not understand why they all choose to go home.
  • Auroponte bears resemblance to Daenerys Targaryen. Auroponte was first creationed in 2009.
  • She has a fire dragon whelp called Hesiesh.
  • ... and who shall stop me?
    — Auroponte Dii
    Divine Classification
    Solar Exalted
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Flame of Nexus
    Lady Unforgiving
    Knight Sergeant (Errand Knights)
    Known Anathema
    Date of Birth
    3rd of Ascending Fire
    Current Residence
    V'neef Akihana
    Pale Gray
    Long ashen white
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Fair of skin
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
    High Realm, Low Realm, Riverspeak, Old Realm, Skytongue


    Nexus Flame   The path of Honor  
    Nexus Base Map Image
    Settlement | Jul 16, 2021

    largest city in the Scavenger Lands, metropolis of trade

    Council of Entities
    Organization | Jul 17, 2021

    Ruling body of Nexus

    Fang, the raging moonshadow
    Character | Jul 17, 2021

    Fullmoon Lunar Exalted, Pack Leader and renowned warrior


    Campagne Reports


    • 801 RY

      3 Ascending Fire

      Birth of Auroponte Dii
      Life, Birth
    • 813 RY

      Betrothal to V'neef Hotaru

    • 820 RY

      Witnessed Hotaru's Exaltation

    • 821 RY

      Family Murdered
      Disaster / Destruction

      In drunken rage, Hotaru murdered Auroponte's Father, Mother, brother and household

    • 821 RY

      Ascending Fire

      Auropnte fled Blessed Isle
      Population Migration / Travel

    • 821 RY

      3 Ascending Fire

      Auroponte Exaltation

      Mortally wounded by Hotaru,
      Auroponte exalted into Dawn Caste Solar Exalted

    • 821 RY

      Resplendent Fire

      Auroponte settles in Nexus
      Life, Relocation

    • 821 RY

      7 Descending Fire

      Auroponte meets other Solars in Nexus
      Life, Organisation Association

      In the small market of Nexus, Auroponte first meets Solar Exalted.

    • 821 RY

      7 Descending Fire

      The Overpriced Chess
      Life, Achievement/ Win

      For the obscene sum of 18 talents of Jade, Auroponte won the bid for a orichalcum made chess set.
      She looses the set in the same evening to thieves.

    • 821 RY

      14 Descending Fire

      Expedition to Sijian
      Life, Achievement/ Win

      On the road to Sijian, Auroponte kills her first monster, a Seadragon.

    • 822 RY

      Return to Nexus
      Life, Relocation

    • 822 RY

      Student of Lore
      Life, Education

      Auroponte secretly starts attending private lessions by Master Losha.

    • 823 RY

      831 RY

      The Errand Knight
      Life, Organisation Association

      Auroponte joins the mercenary group, Errand Knights

    • 825 RY

      The Wyld Hunt
      Military action

      Whilte trying to buy Armor for Kuroyuki , Auroponte was attacked by a Wyld Hunt party.

    • 825 RY

      Resplendent Water

      Life, Failure / Mishap

      We do not speak of T.D.E.

    • 828 RY

      Emissary's Envoy
      Life, Organisation Association

      Auroponte officially starts working for the Emissary of Nexus

    • 830 RY

      831 RY

      Adventeuer in the East
      Diplomatic action

      Auroponte is traveled to Archipelago of Hesiesh's Fire and gained the Brotherhood as faithful allies

    • 831 RY

      Ascending Air

      Champion of Kathusal
      Military action

      Inflames is reveled as Hatsu, Auroponte's Brother.
      Greatest Battle between Celestial Exalted since the end of the First Age.

    • 831 RY

      15 Ascending Air

      Betrothal to Fang

    • 831 RY

      Resplendent Air

      Commander of the Northern Flank
      Military action

      Auroponte took command of the northern flank at the Battle of Lookshy Coast .
      Return of the Scarlett Empress

      Additional timelines
    • 831 RY

      1 Descending Air

      Return to Nexus
      Life, Relocation

      After the battle, Auroponte leads the army back home.

    • 831 RY

      2 Descending Air

      Duel with Fate
      Military action

      One night, Auroponte duels a myterious stranger she cannot remember.

      You should have killed me. That I live means you are not yet ready. -Stranger

      Additional timelines
    • 831 RY

      4 Descending Air

      Expedition to the Mines of Arakthul

      Additional timelines


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