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Habersbol, a grand port city known for its strategic location and bustling harbor, was founded in approximately 5E by a merchant Drow family, seeking to establish a safe and prosperous trade hub. Situated at the mouth of a major river flowing to the ocean, its natural harbor provided a perfect spot for anchoring ships and facilitating trade. The city's name is believed to derive from an ancient dialect.


Over the next several centuries, Habersbol proliferated. Its prime location attracted traders from distant lands, bringing diverse goods and cultures. The city's leaders, recognizing the importance of maintaining good relations with various trading partners, established a court of diplomats to lead and plan further. This court, known as the Council of Envoys, became the governing body of Habersbol, ensuring the city's interests were represented domestically and abroad.

Numerous temples were built during this period, reflecting the city's growing population and cultural diversity. Temples dedicated to gods of trade, sea, and protection sprang up, alongside shrines to foreign deities brought by traders. This religious pluralism became a hallmark of Habersbol, promoting an atmosphere of tolerance and cultural exchange.

The city's golden age began around 7E, marked by unprecedented wealth and influence. Habersbol's port became one of the busiest in the known world, with ships arriving from far-off continents laden with exotic goods. The city's markets were farmed for their variety of richness, attracting visitors and merchants from all over.

Politically, Habersbol wielded considerable influence. The Council of Envoys forged alliances and trade agreements that extended the city's reach far beyond its borders. Habersbol's wealth allowed for the construction of grand palaces, public works, and even more temples, solidifying its status as a cultural and economic powerhouse.

Around 9E, Habersbol faced a series of challenges that threatened its prosperity. A combination of natural disasters, including a devastating earthquake and subsequent tsunamis, damaged larger parts of the city. Additionally, political turmoil and external conflicts disrupted trade routes, leading to economic decline.
Despite these hardships, the resilient spirit of Habersbol citizens and the strategic judgment of the Council of Envoys enabled the city to recover. Reconstruction efforts were swift, and new architectural advancements made the city more resistant to future calamities. Trade gradually resumed, and while the city never fully regained its former glory, it stabilized and continued to be a significant port and political entity.

Modern Era

In the last two centuries, Habersbol has maintained its status as a crucial port city. The Council of Envoys, now composed of citizens from various factions within the city, continues to govern with a focus on maintaining stability and fostering international relations. The city's numerous temples remain central to its identity, serving not only as places of worship but also as cultural and social hubs.

Attack on Habersbol & The Fading Fever

Fading Fever was a plague that started to appear in the city after an attack involving The Bronze Basilisk that destroyed and damaged a good portion of the port.


Drow (40%), Humans (20%), Elves and Half Elves (15%), Dwarves (10%), Halflings (5%), Tieflings (3%), Gnomes (3%), Other Races (4%),


The government officials of Habersbol are known as an Envoy, and answer to the Valsharess.

Industry & Trade

Spices and Herbs: Due to its strategic location, Habersbol is a key exporter of exotic spices and rare herbs, sourced from distant lands and local cultivations.
Crafted Goods: The city is renowned for its high-quality crafted goods, including jewelry, textiles, and pottery. Artisans from Habersbol produce items sought after in many regions.
Ship Parts and Naval Equipment: With its extensive shipyards, Habersbol exports ship parts, sails, and other naval equipment. Its reputation for durable and well-crafted maritime goods is unmatched.
Fish and Seafood:  The city's location by the sea ensures a plentiful supply of fish and seafood, which are exported both fresh and preserved. Habersbol is known for its salted fish and various seafood delicacies.
Alchemical Supplies: The presence of skilled alchemists and herbalists allows Habersbol to export a variety of alchemical products, including potions, remedies, and rare components used in magical and medical practices.


Harbor District
The heart of Habersbol's economy, bustling with docks, warehouses, and shipyards. Merchants, sailors, and dockworkers populate this area, making it the busiest part of the city. Numerous taverns and inns cater to travelers and traders.

Old Town
The historical center of Habersbol features ancient architecture and narrow, winding streets. Home to the Council of Envoy's chambers, several important temples, and the city's oldest market square.

Market Quarters
A sprawling area filled with bazaars, stalls, and shops, known for its diverse goods, from local crafts to exotic imports. The Market Quarter is a melting pot of cultures and a major attraction for both locals and visitors.

Temple District
An area dedicated to the city's numerous temples and shrines. Each temple serves different deities, reflecting the city's religious diversity. This district is also where many healers and clerics reside, a particularly busy district in recent years from the Fading Fever.
Official Temples: Azuth, Bahamut, Eldath, helm, Ilmater, Lathander, Mystra, Oghma, Selune, Shar, Silvanus, Sune, The Raven Queen, Titania, Tymora, Yondalla

Noble's Row
A district of grand mansions and estates where the wealthy and influential families of Habersbol live. This area is characterized by well-maintained streets, lush gardens, and a strong city guard presence.

Artisan's Alley
A vibrant area where craftsmen, artisans, and guilds operate. Known for workshops, studios, and guild halls, producing everything from fine jewelry to robust ship parts. It's a hub for skilled labor and trade apprenticeships.

Slum Quarter
The poorest part of Habersbol, where the city's less fortunate live. This area is characterized by overcrowded housing, narrow alleys, and a higher crime rate. Efforts by local temples aim to improve conditions there.

University District
Home to Habersbol's prestigious universities and various academies. Scholars, students, and researchers frequent this district, known for its libraries lecture halls, and alchemical laboratories.        


Buildings are adorned with intricate carvings and motifs. The use of dark stone and materials such as obsidian, onyx, and dark marble is prevalent, giving the city a mysterious and imposing look. Structures are tall and slender, often reaching skyward with multiple spires and towers. Elevated walkways and bridges connect various buildings, providing a multi-leveled urban landscape. 

The city presents a unique and visually striking cityscape. The blend of dark, ornate designs and mystical elements created an atmosphere of both grandeur and mystery.


Subtropical climate categorized by humid summers and mild winters with occasional rainfall. This encourages a thriving harbor due to minimal winter disruptions and a long growing season for various crops.

Natural Resources

Spices, herbs, fish, seafood, alchemical supplies,
Founding Date
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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