Pip Stonehill

The Spirited Half-Elf Child of Stonehill Inn


Pip is the lively half-elf daughter of Toblin Stonehill. Her youthful exuberance and knack for finding mischief are well-known in Phandalin, especially in her adventures with her best friend, Carp.


Basic Information


Race: Half-Elf
Helper at Stonehill Inn
Chaotic Good
Stonehill Inn, Phandalin



Pip is a young half-elf whose heritage grants her delicate elven features and the rich complexion of her human ancestry. She has curly, untamed hair and eyes that gleam with mischief and boundless energy.



Pip is the embodiment of a free spirit, full of joy and curiosity. She's quick to laugh and quicker still to dive into playful trouble, her innocent charm often getting her out of sticky situations.



Raised in the bustling environment of the Stonehill Inn, Pip learned the value of hard work early on. She spends her days assisting her father and exploring the town, always on the lookout for the next great adventure.


Abilities and Skills

While still a child, Pip shows promise with her agility and social skills. Her half-elven nature provides her with keen senses and a natural agility that hints at future potential.



Pip adores her father, Toblin, and cherishes her friendship with Carp. Her bond with Carp often leads to joint escapades that are the talk of the town.


Motivations and Goals

Pip dreams of adventure beyond the inn's walls, inspired by the tales of travelers and the antics she gets up to with Carp. She yearns to see the world and experience the wonders she's only heard about in stories.


Role in the Campaign

Pip adds a touch of innocence and cheer to the campaign. She may serve as a quest-giver, inadvertently leading the player characters into new plots, or simply as a reminder of the simpler joys of life.


Recent Activities

Recently, Pip has been learning more about running the inn, but she always manages to find time for her escapades with Carp, much to the amusement and sometimes consternation of the Phandalin residents.


"One day I'm going to have adventures just like the ones in the stories!" - Pip


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