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Session 12 - Dinner with Lady Wachter

General Summary

  • Ernst Larnak knocks on our door to take us to the dinner
  • We're taken to the estate by carrige
  • Several people are outside in the street drinking
  • We're going to the north side of the city, along Lake Road
  • It is a big building, though the paint is dulling and the roof sags a bit
  • We arrive at the Wachterhaus
    • We are greeted by Haliq the Butler who asks us to take off our shoes and shows us the coatrooms
    • We hear and smell a kitchen to the right, but are lead to the dining room
    • We see no other guests
    • Jonathan sees no cats
    • Lady Fiona Wachter stands up when she sees us, and welcomes us. She is wearing a fine red dress
    • She admits to having people watching the gate
    • She apologises for inviting us so quickly, but explains that she couldn't wait any longer
    • She gets bored and new people are exiting
    • The big human majority is mentioned, and Damia asks why that is
    • Lade Wachter explains that there were mostly humans when the country was closed off
    • The food arrives, Ariah considers using 10 min to cast Purify Food and Drink, but does not think she can pretend to pray for that long, so she just gives a normal prayer instead
    • She asks us how long we've been in Barovia. Damia answers a bit less than a month, but we've actually been here 7 days (8 for Jonathan)
    • We talk about the weather for a bit
    • She believes the first snowfall will be in three months, she warns us that the mountains around the valley is quite cold
    • The parlor behind us has paintings that make it apparent that the Wacher house is matriarcal (women in the paintings are in the center and taller)
    • There are several dishes, and a lot of wine for those that want it
    • Ireena and Richard have proper etiquette
    • The food is a lot better than we've had in Barovia so far
    • Damia tells her we might be leaving "surprisingly soon"
    • Jonathan assures her will won't leave until after the festival
    • When Damia asks about the activities at the festival, Lady Wachter's mood changes
    • She is very frustrated with the weekly festivals, using Strahd's name casually
    • She never attend them, the guards won't touch her since she is too powerful
    • Anyone who dares to speak against the Burgomeister Burgomeister Vargas "The Baron" Vallakovich gets put in the stockades or worse
    • He got in power by birthright after his father Late Burgomeister Vargon Vallakovich died
    • The Burgomeister knows about her feelings on the matter, but since she is one of the ancient families, he doesn't dare do anything against her
    • She hints that "something might happen soon"
    • Since everyone has to attend and decorate for the festival it takes a lot of time and money
    • They have hunters that hunt wolves specifically
    • The burgomeister has a heavy hand and is not harmless. If you do something wrong you might lose a limb or get whipped, regardeless of if you are close to him
    • She keeps saying Strahd casually and Ariah calls her out on it
    • She says that Vargas banned the name, but that it is harmless
    • Damia points out that it is avoided outside of Vallaki as well, to which she counters that Strahd has not done anything to Vallaki in centuries
    • She keeps talking about feeling the morning sun again, we all roll vibe checks on her and notice that she is holding something back, is watching her words and changes the subject to dessert
    • It is barovian goat cheese and potato crackers (wheat can only be gotten from the Vistani)
    • Damia eats the crackers without hesitation and dips them in her wine, getting Lady Wachter to try the same
    • We move into the parlor for snacks and fine wine
    • Jonathan asks where the restroom is, and is shown there by Haliq
      • After the butler leaves Jonathan notices a faint female voice say "Little kitty is sad and wants to play"
      • He tries looking through the keyhole of a nearby locked door with a padlock
      • There is a shoddy bed with leather straps, and a girl sitting on the bed
      • She keeps repeating the phrase from before
      • He hears a mjao from another door, but his view is blocked by the lock (not a padlock)
    • Damia asks if the lady is the only one in her family or if the others are out
    • Lady Wachter apologises that her two sons couldn't make it. They are out drinking and living their best life
    • There are also the servant girls and the chef here
    • Jonathan stares at Damia until she sends him a message
    • He tells her about the girl he found, and tells Damia to tell the rest of the group (she doesn't)
    • She excuses herself and wants to head to the toilet herself
    • Jonathan offers to show her where the bathroom is, but is stopped by social conventions
    • Some of the group is starting to get a bit drunk, except Ariah who is still on her first glass (being cautious)
    • Damia also hears the girl speaking (constantly repeating the phrase Jonathan heard)
      • Damia twirls a hair around her magical quill and sends it flying through the keyhole
      • She then closes herself into the bathroom before starting to look through the hair strand
      • She sees a young lady looking at the flying quill
      • She jumps on the bed on all fours before jumping to attack the quill and put it in her mouth and tears it apart
      • (Journey snitched and told us her name is Stella Wachter)
      • Damia is still able to see through the hair despite the quill being damaged
      • The girl is now saying "Little kitty is having fun playing" on repeat
      • As Damia is walking past the other doors a red and white paw attacks her foot from underneath the door
    • Damia comes back and asks Lady Wachter about the cat paw attacking her foot
    • She answers that she enjoys taking care of stray cats, and keep them in the library when there are guests over, so they don't get cat hair on their clothes
    • She keeps them mostly for company, as she gets lonely now that her husband is dead
    • She again mentions everyone that is in the house, and excludes any mention of a daughter
    • Damia notices that there are no books in sight
    • Haliq eyes Ariah's wine glass, noticing that he hasn't filled it up yet and sharing a glance with Lady Wachter. Ariah motions to her holy symbol to assuade their suspicions
    • Damia messages Jonathan to help her bring up the topic of books
    • He mentions a book about wine, and she says she has been to the winery Wizards of the Wine
    • She is a fan of books, but don't read much. Books are rare in Barovia
    • There are not many books in the library, they were sold a long time ago
    • Damia gets her to agree to arrange a trip to the library, but not tonight
    • She might have some books about The Morninglord, fairytales about how Barovia was formed and children's books
    • She asks about what we will do after leaving Vallaki and Damia tells her we will try to explore the safer areas
    • Damia then exuses herself to the bathroom again to check on the "cat"
      • The quill is completely destroyed and the girl is playing with the feather pieces
      • Damia uses Gust to blow the bigger pieces towards her
      • The cat instincts activate and the girl pounces exitedly on the moving targets
      • Damia manages to grab a small piece and the girl tries to grab it from underneath the door
      • Her fingertips are scratched up
      • Damia sends her a Message "Who are you?"
      • "No, no Victor. Don't be in my head again, don't be inside"
      • Damia tries to explain that she is not Victor, but the girl is chanting no, with a few of the sad kitty phrase in between
      • The girl is back on the bed and not playing anymore, so Damia tries to blow some more of the feather pieces back again. She is only mildly successfull
    • Lady Wachter tells us that we have come to Vallaki at the right time. Again mentioning that "things are happening"
    • "All things are not well, and haven't been in a long time"
    • She thinks it is about time that something happened
    • She admits that this is something she is involved in, and points out that we look like people who can carry ourselves
    • Damia mispeaks and mentions that she is tired after today's events. Ariah covers for her by saying that we're not used to the crowds after days on the road
    • Lady Wachter asks us if we want in on the things
    • Something will happen very soon, and something will happen to the ruler of the town
    • She wants a change of rulership, but doesn't want to kill him
    • She thinks that fear of Strahd is wrong
    • When asked what attitude she would want instead, she doesn't answer directly
    • She has met Strahd a long time ago. He was kind and honest, and carried no ill intent
    • She warns us to choose the right side, as changes will happen with or without us
    • She doesn't want us to be the ones to take down Vargas, but says our arrival is a blessing to the cause
    • She has followers "of the morninglord" who also want the warmth of the sun
    • She makes vague threaths for what happens if we're on the wrong side
    • We can answer now or tomorrow morning
    • The thing is happening very soon, so we don't have much time
    • She plans on dealing with Vargas at the festival. It will be the final festival and there will be no after the festival if she doesn't
    • Bystanders will not be harmed unless they act against the plan
    • She thinks she is a good candidate to replace Vargas, but thinks the ruler should be decided with a vote
    • She offers us to stay here for the night, but we politely decline
    • Jonathan mentions his concert, and she says her sons liked the last one and will attend this one too
    • She will come by tomorrow for our discussion
    • She truly believes we are the change she's been waiting for
    • Her sons don't know about the plan. They are called Karl Wachter and Nikolai Wachter. Her husband was also called Nikolai
    • We would be picking a side if we speak about the plan to anyone who is not in on it
    • Damia asks if she has heard of anyone named Victor. It is Vargo's son, Victor Vallakovich, who is a "weird little man" who keeps to himself
    • Ernst arrives and leads us out, reminding us to take our shoes and coats
  • We're back at the inn and starts to discuss our choice
    • Jonathan and Damia tells the rest about the cat girl and the bed with leather straps
    • Damia also tells about what happened with the mental messages and suspects that the girl has been affected by magic
    • we discuss potential alligiances and her possible connection to Strahd
    • Jonathan points out that if this is going to happen regardeless, we might as well let her believe we are on her side
    • He would like to talk to "our gossip friend", but Damia will instead since he has a concert to play. Ariah will join to talk to Yeska the Altar Boy
    • Ireena tells us that she has heard pretty bad rumours about Vargas, and that the other nobles are displeased
    • She will get us an invitation to Vargas or his wife tomorrow
    • Damia asks Ireena about the Durst House, and she tells us that it is a spooky fairytale
  • Richard and Jonathan remain in the inn for the concert
    • All the tickets have been sold out
    • There is a sign in front advertising that "The great Jonathan Parker is here tonight. He's going to perform"
    • Jonathan uses prestidigitation to make the wine of the three most uninterested looking people taste better
    • The other bard Rictavio is sitting ready with a flute. He is very obvious with colourful clothes and a very large hat
    • Jonathan performs a song about being different, and that we should celebrate our differences
    • Jonathan makes a faint smoke effect to make things look cooler, but faint enough to be mistaken for candle smoke instead of magic
    • Jonathan uses an inspiration to change a nat 1 to 9
    • The hype was too big, but Rictavio claps loudly and walks on stage
    • Octavio uses Thaumathurgy to snuff all the lights in the room
    • He nudges Jonathan a bit up the stairs and hands him some notes to read
    • Rictavio goes back on stage and plays a song while Jonathan reads
    • He tries to hype up the audience, making his voice louder with Thaumathurgy
    • After a great flute solo, he introduces the duet as the final song of the night
    • Joanthan uses Prestidigitation to harmonize with himself
    • It goes a lot better this time
    • After the song the light goes out again
    • The people are shouting for an encore and they give them what they want
    • After the show, Rictavio complements him and his talent. Jonathan is grateful for the save and asks if he can buy him a drink
    • Rictavio only drinks the finest, but Jonathan can afford it (5 sp per goblet)
    • Richard had a great night, but is not super
    • Rictavio is an elf
  • Damia and Ariah head to the church (it is about 11 at night)
    • Ariah remains outside like last time and asks Damia to send Yeska out or let her know if he's not there
    • Damia heads in and shouts to ask if Father Lucian and Yeska are there
      • Father Lucian comes out, he says that Yeska went to bed a few hours ago. Ariah asks Damia to wake him up, as the timetable has been moved up
      • After sending Yeska out, Damia asks about Lady Wachter
      • The followers usually meet at her house late in the evening. More often lately than before
      • She asks about possible way out of Vallaki (I didn't hear the answer...)
      • She then tell him that we had dinner with Lady Wachter, and tells him about a girl acting as a cat and possibly being affected by magic
      • He isn't sure, but remembers that one of the sons told him that he misses his sister who was engaged to Victor
      • Her name was Stella Wachter, and she was quite prominent before she disappeared
      • Victor is never at the church or at the festivals. He is very busy with something (he has been seen though, so he is not gone)
    • Yeska is sent out, and Ariah gives him her cloak to stay warm while they talk
    • We walk a bit away for privacy
  • We head back to the inn and meet up at the tavern


Talk about what we have learned, then sleep. Lady Fiona Wachter will come in the morning to hear what we have decided. We will tell her that we are joining her cause.   We have also promised to check up on Milivoj the Gravekeeper and Headmistress Claudia Belasco understood it as us promising to clean the orphanage.  
Report Date
04 Oct 2022

This article has no secrets.


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