Urwin Martikov Character in Curse of Strahd: Barovia | World Anvil
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Urwin Martikov

Urwin is Davian Martikov's second born son, husband of Danika Martikov, the current Spymaster of the Keepers of the Feathers, and the owner of the Blue Water Inn. Urwin, like the rest of his family, is a wereraven - a type of lycanthrope. He regulates the hub of the town and is in charge of organizing information for the Keepers. Urwin is the town cook and likely one of the best cooks in Barovia. He tends to work wonders with what little the land has to give. Because of his skill and his place at the Inn, arguably the most popular place in town, Urwin has friends just about everywhere. He's able to gather and organize all sorts of gossip as a result.  

The Spymaster

Urwin is one of the highest ranking members of the Keepers of the Feather and is likely the one the party will end up interacting with should the Keepers decide to properly reveal themselves as a spy network. Urwin is well liked in town (he's the tavern's cook, after all) but is likely to avoid landing in any position of power within the town if he can help it. If seen as a candidate for furutre Burgomaster should Fiona and Vargas be usurped, he declines. He does not want to be Burgomaster and be saddled with all the day to day work of being in charge of the town, nor does he want the exposure of being someone so important.  


As far as Urwin's personality is concerned, I made him one of those completely and utterly genuinely nice people. The kind that's so nice you almost don't trust them at all. Urwin is the living embodiment of the term, "turn the other cheek." He's willing to forgive literally any sin and is the most nonviolent person in Barovia, seeing the best in even the worst people.   Urwin often stands up for those that no one else would. He's one of the only good NPCs that would actively stand up for Vargas, Lady Wachter, and even Strahd himself and expect nothing in return. He also is quick to give aid to those in need, freely giving away food and wine at the Inn, as well as rooms to those who have no where else to go. The whole Inn would be outright broke if Danika wasn't the one running the register.


Danika Martikov


Towards Urwin Martikov


Urwin Martikov


Towards Danika Martikov



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