Following Winds of Profit's Price Vehicle in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Following Winds of Profit's Price

An obscelescent Harpy cruiser of the Barbaria class, too old to continue service in the Harpy Praetorian fleet but still brimming with prestigious technologies.   The Barbarias have borne many classifications over the years as doctrine has changed around them, and are now Heavy Striking Cruisers intended to make aggressive and lethal charges against single sub-capital targets but also evade and confuse hostile defences through agility-boosting subsystems.   As with other mainline Harpy ships, carries no dedicated FTL systems and must get from system to system by successive blinks. A blink drive's range is typically greater in the interstellar void, easing this issue a little.   Strengths and weaknesses:
-Blindingly fast and well armed, specifically designed to get into and out of trouble quickly while laying down impressive firepower.   -Armament is optimised to disable hardpoints and rapidly mission-kill a target, even a capital ship target, that a more conventional cruiser would struggle to cripple.   -Lightly protected for its tonnage and potentially quite fragile. A flight risk if defences start to fail entirely.   -The 0-series twinned blink drives may fail to charge at a critical moment, forcing the ship to limp along at sublight speeds and vulnerable to interception until field repairs can be made or either drive brought online independently.   -Lacks the armament to cause deep internal damage to a target if required, aside from a deliberate coup de grace with the Misericorde cannons at almost zero range.

Power Generation

-18x commercially acquired fusion generators, 6 incorporated into the fusion torches and the remainder available for any ship systems. Extensive tuning by successive engineers have made the true capabilities of each generator a mystery even to its own crew.   Each generator incorporates two reserve battery sets - one compact and energy-efficient sodium-graphene power cell array optimised for retaining reserve power over time, and one toroidal plasma containment system intended for rapidly stockpiling and shunting energy between systems but susceptible to serious power leakage issues.


-4x magnetically augmented fusion torches, with limited thrust vectoring capability through magnetic lensing. Short-term alcubierre augmentation allows the vessel to undergo a temporary acceleration boost when in or leaving combat.   -2x Nosferatu 0 prototype blink drives, one of the first ever production models and plagued with issues despite the terrifying capabilities of later models. 70% of the time, will partially charge one tactical FTL system by harvesting the energy flux experienced when the other is used, allowing rapid and energy-efficient cycling of both drives redeployment both in and out of combat. The other 30% of the time, the energy is lost. Hopefully. The Nosferatu 0 model burns through a lot of emergency coolant.   Out of power-intensive scenarios such as naval combat, the Nosferatu drives can be driven indeependently together to chain together blinks, making their vessels some of the fastest Harpy ships in conventional FTL travel.

Weapons & Armament

-2x Misericorde VI escalation flux cannon, firing bursts of harpoon magnetic flux generators that convert target hull material into corrosive plasma. A seldom used execution weapon meant to be delivered at close range to maximise the number and density of harpoons.   -6x Purgatorio III torpedo launchers, carrying dedicated jamming heads and antiradiation submunitions optimised for shield penetration and point defence suppression.   -6x Hyperthene XVII high-volume rotary plasma cannon, optimised for rate of fire and destructive potential over accuracy and intended to defeat shields before damaging external hardpoints of all kinds.   -32x Scylla XII point defence x ray emitters, once a potent offensive asset but now unremarkable compared with the galactic standard.

Armor and defense

-Versatile composite armour scheme, supplemented by lightweight ablative composites rated to sustain protection against multiple anti-shipping weapon impacts. Generally requires replacing after every shooting event but requires no   -Plasma shielding emission scheme, a thin smokescreen of specially prepared ionised gases meant to confuse sensors and refract/degrade weapons fire approaching behind the vessel. Much less effective on the charge. Priscia, true to form, sees the emission screen as a way to shield allies in need.   -Commercially available model of navigational shielding system for protecting external components from stellar wind or microdebris. Some tuning by enterprising crews in the past have boosted the protection provided, but still barely of note in any modern engagement.


-Conventional Lidar system with integrated communications capability. Designed with advanced directional sensors to pick up faint reflections of tightbeam communications from a known command or sentry vessel, however this capability is now long accounted for by advances in tightbeam communications technology and is almost always ineffective.   -Graviresistometric sensor suite, apparently reverse engineered from a set of Fennec fire director turrets and reconfigured into a pair of reasonably capable mass shadow sensors.   -Suspiciously large and versatile array of TeSDiR downlink ansibles, leaving the ship able to detect and potentially eavesdrop on any galactic-standard interstellar communications in the system or nearby interstellar space. Effective so long as conventional Temporo-Spatial Discontinuity Region long range communications array technology is used by the target and special concealment measures are not employed.
(None given)
Owning Organization
621 metres
Complement / Crew
One Void Walker, increasingly bored and lonely on mission


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