Temporo-Spatial Discontinuity Region long range communications array Technology / Science in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Temporo-Spatial Discontinuity Region long range communications array

TeSDiR comms - 'Tess'

The long range communications method of the SRN Brilliant Ember.


The comms system was created following the revelation that standard comms signals pass through TeSDiR anomalies without measurable distortion or packet loss. The mechanism of function of the anomalies ensures instant delivery and collection of transmissions, while preventing interception by enemy forces outside of the close vicinity of either of the endpoints. The reduced power draw and system complexity resulting from the small size and negligible maximum needed mass capacity of the anomalies used are further advantages of this tech.


The components used are simple and well-defined, no special manufacturing process is required and compatible counterparts are available throughout the Terran Empire.
Children Technologies
Access & Availability
Although the exact variant of the technology is long phased out in the Terran Empire, the use of TeSDiR anomalies for the purpose of long range communications is still commonplace, developed into [TeSDiR ansible technology], sharing numerous components and standards.
The TeSDiR comms employed by the SRN Brilliant Ember are remarkably simple. The anomaly created doesn't need to be sustained, and the mass capacity required is infinitesimally small, allowing the vast majority of the functional components to be considerably shrunk down compared to the versions used by the parent technology, the TeSDiR drive, and significantly reducing the power requirements of the system, decreasing both size and complexity.
Core idea inspired by the alien FTL method from the science fiction book series Shadow Raptors by Sławomir Nieściur; no infringement intended.


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