Wraith IFV Vehicle in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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Wraith IFV

The Wraith was a tracked infantry fighting vehicle contemporary to the SRN Brilliant Ember. Following the destroyer's reactivation and awakening as a Void Walker, report summaries praising the Wraith's reliability and ease of use were recovered from the destroyer's databanks along with technical documentation. No working instances are known to still exist, the few remaining historical examples either refitted beyond recognition or too broken down for reverse engineering of the technologies used.

Notable Traits

Armed with a single 35mm autocannon with a wide selection of shell types, the Wraith had more than enough firepower to combat lightly armored vehicular targets as well as all manners of infantry, and the refined revolver mechanism allowed for rapid ammunition switching in combat situations, but the two 7.5mm machine guns were regarded as merely adequate against single unarmored targets, and often fell short against targets wearing heavier armor.   The IFV could be controlled remotely or operate with a degree of autonomy, but the onboard AI was very rudimentary and worked best when given simple combat tasks issued through clear, unambiguous commands, making unsupervised deployment impossible.   The Wraith was equipped with a sophisticated variant of Mirage AVS, virtually unseen on combat vehicles due to concerns regarding the cost of combining it with heavy armor without losing any of its protective qualities.   The inclusion of a tactical network hosting system alongside high-powered comms and sensors was widely appreciated, since it allowed the vehicle to act as a mobile command post with few to no additional preparations and minimal setup time.   The main drawbacks of the IFV were its subpar performance against heavy armor, at the time fielded by most competing nations, and the notably lacking protection from heavy anti-armor weaponry. According to available documentation, the former was never solved, and the solutions employed to mitigate the latter resulted in the reduction of the originally massive gain in speed down to just a slight improvement, while still falling short in survivability. The only saving grace was that, in the process of failing to improve the combat performance of the Wraith, its designers ended up addressing most of the reliability and stability issues of the platform, ultimately tipping the scale in its favor and resulting in its widespread adoption by Shanti's military at the time.   The hybrid system of inertial compensators and loadbearing agrav arrays, regarded as an oddity in spite of the undeniable effectiveness, was one of these modifications, as were the adaptive jamming systems and sophisticated active countermeasures.
Infantry Fighting Vehicle
3 (commander, gunner, driver)
Passenger capacity
8 (one full squad)
Single 35mm grav autocannon (automated turret)
Two 7.5mm Nikai MGs:
  • Primary (coaxial mount in main turret)
  • Secondary (360° mount atop main turret)
  • Active defenses
    Standard E-War suite (Ember-era mil-spec)
    Adaptive jamming systems
    Advanced active countermeasures package
    NPMMC smoke charges
    Passive defenses
    Heavy Mirage AVS-enabled composite armor
    Other notable features
    Antigravity load reduction system
    Orbital-drop-rated gravitic deceleration drive
    Combat-rated ICS (Inertial Compensation System)
    High-powered sensors package
    Full tactical network hosting suite
    Encrypted remote control cluster
    Basic AI for carrying out simple tasks
    Internal stereo
    Top speed
    100 kph (road)
    85 kph (off-road)
    Place of origin
    Shanti Province
    Shanti Province (formerly)
    Made using 'War Thunder' physics engine


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