SRN Brilliant Ember - DDT-31 Vehicle in custom Void Walkers | World Anvil
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SRN Brilliant Ember - DDT-31

A destroyer turned museum ship turned province icon turned Void Walker

Following old Terran doctrine, Brilliant Ember has a staggering amount of firepower, as well as excellent speed and maneuverability, at the cost of survivability - paper thin armor and light shields incapable of taking too many hits too often make the destroyer ill-suited for prolonged open engagements. Ember’s large torpedo capacity lets her engage from afar and relocate after each salvo, however, and the wide array of point defense armaments lets the destroyer fill the role of an escort adequately, while her above average comms ensure operational synchronization, so the destroyer’s usefulness doesn’t end where the battlefield does in the slightest. She can even deploy mines. Unfortunately, the expanded communications equipment replaced part of the ship’s advanced active sensor suites, leaving her with only basic target acquisition options. To compensate, anti-stealth charges were introduced, but their mediocre performance characteristics and situational nature prompted the designers to convert them into dual-purpose cannons by introducing compatible flak ammunition. This endeavor was only partially successful, as the modification forced flak and anti-stealth charges to share inventory space. In the end, although she retains her unique anti-stealth armament, Ember’s ability to detect and locate cloaked targets remains decidedly subpar.

Similar visually to a naval ship, Brilliant Ember consists of a long, pointy main hull, and an additional external hull, serving mostly as the mounting space for the ship’s impressive array of point defense weaponry, and as an extra layer of protection from enemy fire for the ship’s juicy inner workings, especially when positioned to make use of all particle cannons.


8 charged particle cannon turrets (AB-XY, 1x1+3x2, per face, 14 barrels total)
8 triple 2000mm torpedo launchers (12 grav-boosted tubes per side, limited firing angles)
10 anti-stealth charge launchers (stealth-compromising depth charge throwers)
4 SBMLS deployment bays (multiple homing warhead mines, 8 standard groupings of 4 carried)


2 redundant light defensive screen projectors (shields)
8 high-density phased array laser PD grid zones (light PD)
12 dedicated anti-strike-craft laser PD emplacements (heavy PD)
10 anti-stealth charge launchers fitted with airburst charges (superheavy flak PD)


Standard redundant passive and active broad-spectrum EMdar suite (basic sensors)
Enhanced passive sensor suite tuned for ASC event wavelengths (detects targets painted by ASCs)


1 TeSDiR long range comms array (unofficially ‘Tess’; ultra long range data burst FTL comms)

Power generation and storage

3 discrete fusion reactors and standard capacitor banks to match


1 Temporo-Spatial Discontinuity Region(TeSDiR) drive (unofficially ‘The Director’; FTL method)
2 fusion pulse drives (Commonwealth-style cavorite-boosted torch drives; main propulsion)
Paragravity-accelerated conventional thruster suites (maneuvering thrusters)

Other notable features

1 ‘Egida’ fire control system (target acquisition and tracking)
16 autonomous RaM drones (Repair and Maintenance; damage control)
8 unarmed short-range transport shuttles

Strengths and weaknesses


Pennant number
Torpedo destroyer
Hull of
Brilliant Ember
Void Walkers Project
Place of origin
Shanti Province
Stronghold Shipyards
Other ships in class
None left
~380 m long
Crew and complement
1 Void Walker (current)
223 humans (original)


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