Twilight City Police

Join the best and brightest, and keep Twilight City safe for all!
— Twilight City Police recruitment slogan
Twilight City Police is a comparatively large organization that keeps the Twilight City Dome and the Twilight Badlands safe. They are always on the look out for promising new officers to help protect the city.

Hacking and Cybercrimes

One of the biggest departments, hacking and cybercrimes deals with everything from fraudulent banking rings to corporate cyber-espionage, to information and identity theft. 

Drugs, Vice and RICO

Once three separate departments, these have been combined into one department which deals with prostitution, drugs selling, cooking and smuggling, and organised crime. Their work takes place mostly in Lower Twilight City, the most dangerous part of town, although they are also responsible for the border patrol guards. 


This department deals exclusively with murders.

Internal Affairs

Certainly not the most popular department, these officers are the answer to qui custodiet ipsos custodes (lit. who will guard the guards themselves?). Their role is to seek out corruption, wrong doing, or incompetance, and hold the officers of the Twilight City Police to the highest moral and legal standards.  

The Twilight City Rangers

  The Twilight City Rangers, lead by Jackson R. Verducci,  who is Captain of the Twilight Rangers, is the sub-organization responsible for the Twilight Badlands. He is best known within the city itself for his role in The War on the Drug Barons.  

The Role of Corporate Police

  Corporate police are a common occurrence on the property of corporations themselves, and many of the mega-businesses prefer to handle their dirty laundry in private. However, Corporate Police, by Twilight City law, have no jurisdiction outside corporation property. This has led to bounty hunters and "private contractors" being engaged to pursue problematic employees outside of corporation grounds. Clashes between the agendas of Corporate Police and City Police have frequently hit the news in the last 20 years.


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