
The Afterlife is a legendary bar in Little China, Night City.  


In 2020, the Afterlife bar was a converted mortuary to bar has three different areas, "The Antechamber," "The Crypt," and "Hades", which are all inhabited by hard-drinking, hard-fighting solos who come here to enjoy the atmosphere and the camaraderie. As one delves deeper into the Afterlife, each successive chamber becomes darker and more dangerous, with Hades being filled with the combat veterans who hire out for the highest prices.

The Afterlife might best be described as a cross between a country-western bar and a motorcycle guild hall. The sound system plays a variety of martial music and Gothic rock, and the closest thing to dancing is the occasional brawl. But this is a pro's club, no one needs to prove themselves; their presence here is proof enough. Any brawls are strictly for fun; no one wants to smear each other, but they do play hard.

Although many people come to the Afterlife to hire solos, a larger proportion post messages on a marquee which circulates proposals throughout the bar. Those who do enter the bar do so at their own risk, and have paid the price in the past.

By 2045, after the Fourth Corporate War, the Afterlife continued its reputation as a premiere Solo bar in Night City, rebuilt in the remains of an old morgue on the outskirts of the Hot Zone, and run by the legendary Solo, Rogue. Every Solo in the city dreams of getting a drink at the Afterlife named after them, even if it only happens post-mortem. However, while a "Johnny Silverhand" can be ordered at the bar, a "Morgan Blackhand" cannot.  


The Afterlife is owned by Rogue, a legendary Solo and the biggest fixer in Night City. The club has a bar that names its drinks after the legendary Edgerunners. Among other things, it is a location where certain business transactions can be conducted.
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