Little China

Little China is a sub-district of Watson inNight City.  


Parts of Little China used to be an extension of Downtown, during the Rebuilding in the 2040s there were plans to make it a second City Center. The corporations built some skyscrapers and top quality medical clinics known as the Med Center. It used to be the best place in Night City to spend money on body augmentations legally. In the late 2040s the sub-district flooded with Asian immigrants, mostly from Chinese diaspora, hence the name change. During the next few decades, Little China became overpopulated and its exclusive tone to the current more ethnic feel.

In 2077 Central Little China resembles the poorer areas elsewhere in Night City; however the food, shops, neon lights, lingo, and flavor are all distinctly Chinese. The castes are all mixed up now with living blocks beside affluent condo buildings, and illegal gambling dens next to the offices of legitimate business. Low and mid tier come here on occasion for cheap fun in the casinos and strip clubs, and to mix with the poor and homeless on the streets. No gang claims territory of Little China, but the Tyger Claws often come here to have fun.  


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