Rancho Coronado

Rancho Coronado is a sub-district of Santo Domingo in Night City.  


Rancho Coronado appears as a self-sufficient town with Night City. The corporations who own the Arroyo factories planned and advertised it as a place for their workers to live out the real American dream. Rancho Coronado consists almost solely of identical houses, reminiscent of the ones seen in mid twentieth century American suburbs.

The district has its own bars, shopping, school, park, restaurants, and even a metro station. Security is overseen by the 6th Street gang, while the NCPD maintain over-watch on the suburbs. Residents of Rancho Coronado are primarily mid and high-ranking factory workers, and some corpos who were tired of Night City's lights and noise. Most of the people here work in Arroyo and don't need to leave Santo Domingo for their entire lives. Despite its Utopian concept, the neglect and disrepair can be clearly seen.
Location under