Santo Domingo

The Santo Domingo District is one of the six districts of Night City. Widely known for being the more industrial district of the six.  


Santo Domingo is one of the oldest districts in Night City. Due to its location, the district avoided any major damage from the 4th Corporate War. It turned into a provisional camp for thousands of citizens seeking shelter. By 2077, the settlements were all gone and Santo Domingo had become a testing ground for industrial projects: corporations destroy old factories, only to build new ones in their place.

Meanwhile, residents scrape a desperate living in the crowded the megabuildings — hoping for better things to come. It didn't take long for a couple of ex-military veterans to group together and take matters into their own hands. The district then became home to the 6th Street Gang.

Arroyo is the industrial heart of Santo Domingo. This region of contrast you can find an old nuclear power plant and junkyard right next to newly built high-tech corporate factories. Operational factories keep their own private security, as neglected buildings quickly become controlled by the gangs.

The workers from Arroyo then return home to Rancho Coronado — a self-sufficient housing district with dozens of identical homes. This neighborhood is reminiscent of the traditional american homes of the early 20th century.


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Included Locations