Wakako Okada

Wakako Okada is the most influential Fixer of Westbrook in Night City.


Wakako Okada runs a pachinko parlor out of Jig-Jig Street in Japantown. She has survived five husbands over her long life. All nine sons of hers are high-ranking members of the Tyger Claws, but she keeps them strictly in line to ensure that they are never the target of a gig picked up by another fixer. Despite her close ties to the gang, she takes a coldly pragmatic view when its members are assassinated by mercs, believing that only the stupid and greedy would fall to such an ignominious fate.   Every serious player in Night City respects Wakako. Going into a meeting with her is like getting into a cage with a lioness. Sure, the lioness is polite, but you can tell she's already thinking about her next snack. Maybe that's why Wakako's gigs are carried out almost immediately and flawlessly. Wakako takes this entirely for granted.
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