
The Westbrook District of Night City is home to many wealthy elites, celebrities, and corporates. It is also home to Japantown, an especially important part of Night City for really two reasons. First being, it's the cultural center for the city's sizable Japanese community. The second reason being, Japantown is home base for most of the Yakuza families operating throughout the Free State of North California; it's centrally located, has limited police interference, and outsiders tend to stick out like a sore thumb. The Tyger Claws are the dominant gang in the district and are considered to rule it but only at night in order to avoid the heavy presence of corporate security.  


Westbrook is considered by many to be the best place to live and have fun in all of Night City. This is home to many wealthy elites, celebrities, corporates, and most influential members of society. However this was not always the case. In 2023, after the nuclear bomb set off in the Arasaka Tower, a portion of Westbrook closest to the City Center sustained significant damage, turning skyscrapers into ghostly, crooked skeletons for the next two decades. During the great restoration of Night City, residents saw the many ruins removed and replaced by Asian corporations. The once dangerous Combat Zone, was revived into an exclusive, ultra secure District.

North Oak used to see crime rates that measured higher than any other district, but with the attentive help of mercenaries, order has been well and truly restored. In 2077, North Oak is home to many of Night City's untouchable elite: corporate regional directors, managers, bankers, and executives. Private security forces are present all over, because of this no gangs reside here. Taking a walk through its tree-lined streets at every step you're met with luxurious cars, private villas, and tennis courts. Nowadays, it is considered the most beautiful neighborhood in all of Night City.

  Charter Hill is well-known as the place many aspiring and ambitious corpo that cannot afford to live in North Oak reside. This part of the district is all about mass housing. However living here leads to a lifestyle under constant attack, because of this the wealthy need the work of bodyguards as well as the use of armored vehicles to stay safe. Its the price you need to pay for even just a taste of such luxury.

  If you've got the eddies, you come to Japantown. If you don't have enough to spend, well, take out a loan and pretend you're on top of the world. Even if it is just for a short amount of time, it'll be a night you remember. It's chock-full of gaming parlors, street food stands, and capsule hotels. Ain't nowhere quite so enticing. It also lies very close to the City Center.  


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