
"We ride from the sands, to take what is rightfully ours by force!" - Matriarch Seken

Founding the Sandsabres

  Many myths exist at the founding of the Sandsabres, but all stem from one simple truth. This Nomad Family is seeped in beliefs revering the Demon King Ganondorf . With most of their members having close ties to the Yiga Clan, it is easy to see why they cause problems for their neighbors. Even more so when their primary form of interaction is raiding transports heading towards Gerudo City, especially if there are Shekiah or Hylian crew along side the goods.

Raiding, Weapons, and.. Markets?

As a family built around raiding, stealing, and various other crimes that draws the ire of the locals, the Sandsabres are commonly at odds with Gerudo City and the Kingdom of Hyrule as the most notable problems. However, a common question keeps appearing as news broadcasts report. Where does this family get their weapons? And the answer is simple, theft. When you desire some Hylian Armed Forces weapons, you contact the Sabres. Rito Aerospace drones giving you issues? The Sabres probably have a missile or two for you. This creates an uncomfortable truth for the Families in the area is that while one day you may be raided by the Sabres, the next you're asking for access to their Night Market. Their Midnight Market is one of the best in the entire country, with many jealous of any Fixer that can get access.


Race, Religion, and Politics

  As a group, the Sandsabres operate in a paradox as they will accept all who come to them but refuse to discuss matters with outsiders. Many believe that the only way to leave the Sabres is by death due to what little information exists on them. With a majority of their members being Yiga Clan and Gerudo, it is not uncommon to see a Hylian among their numbers on their raids or trade missions.   With their more peaceful acts, also comes the uncomfortable attachment to their religious movements. It is not uncommon for them to attempt conversions to The Yiga Cult, causing political differences among the Gerudo in the region. Most Gerudo actively attempt to remove their history of being connected to the Demon King Ganondorf.
Illicit, Gang
Leader Title
Official State Religion
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

All Out War