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Sraebadah (S-RAY-BAH-DUH)

Sreabahdah is tucked beneath Khayal, south of the Alhambra Mountains. It stretches for the majority of Ahroh and hosts most every biome. The mountain ranges and river deltas at the top, tropical coasts to the easts, the central dunes and savannahs, all the way down to the jungles that border Kibo.
The country has been united under a single leader, the Sultan, whose family has ruled over Sraebadah for the past thousand years. The country borders on being a theocracy; the devotion and rituals of religion have been woven tightly into the cultural fabric of Sraebadah. From the Death Priests of Uion to the Oathkeepers of Vinmys, the line between church and state blurs to nothing inside the borders of Sraebadah.   There are legends of the Sultan, and to a lesser extent the Emir, being descended from the gods.   And with theology written into every law, obedience expected in every step a soldier takes and every breath a civilian breathes, and history written by the ruling class....who's left to say that they're wrong?  


Sraebadah is the largest country, not only on Ahroh, but in all of Cyrrin. It's composed of 8 provinces, each ruled by an Emir, or 'prince', who are descendants of the first Sultan. There is no doubt that Sraebadah united is a powerful and formidable force, though the provinces do almost as much fighting with each other as they do with the neighboring countries.   Trade routes run up and down the whole of the country, plagued by mercenaries and bandits alike. There are settlements built everywhere a person could dream; floating above canyons and dug deep under the sands. Each province has it's own capitol city, with the Sultan overseeing them all from his palace in Muqadas Al'Jibal. Al Jibal    

Al Jibal

The seat of the Sultan and his family, the Akthar Royal Family has ruled over Sraebadah from Al Jibal for the past thousand years. The throne, often called the Seat of the Star is a solid black stone that shimmers, but does not reflect light. This region is rich in all aspects, considered to be the land blessed them most by the gods. The fertile deltas and forests plentiful with game have made the people of this region some of the healthiest. Balancing the scales, however, the region is most often embroiled in constant conflict with Khayal and the outer mountain settlements lose several crops a year to the constant raiding.  


Suhul is the most populated of the regions, due to much of it's geography being along the eastern coast, against the Bahrual Sea. The main palace in this region is located in a welcoming bay, guarded by two monumental statues of sharks carved from polished coral. Unique to this area, Asaraz, the city where the Emir sits is not the largest; that honor goes instead to Taniyat which is the largest trade port in Sraebadah, as well as the second largest city. Many reptile races (lamia, nagaji, ect.) originate from this region, and their influence can still be seen in the architecture of the oldest structures.  


Made mostly of shifting dunes that spill over from Al Ramlia the scattered patchwork only camouflages the dangers it hides. Large rocky basins and bedrock pock marked with tunnels can lead the unwary to a dangerous fall. The Basilisks that have called it home since the Emir first came here have always been comfortable under the sands. When it was time to expand their seat fully and welcome more then just their kith and kin the might Capital of Riyasha was raised. Levitated in the air over one of the great oasis basins it is a miraculous paradise amidst the ever changing danger around it.  

Al Ramlia

The largest and most sparsely populated of the regions, Al Ramlia is mostly made of dunes. It's populated most heavily, and still not very, by the desert elves. Al Ramlia is infamous for it's ingenuity; as a region made of sand, the people have had to be very creative when it comes to making their villages livable. The largest city in Al Ramlia is home of Emir and his family: Najalam. The dunes are also home to some very interesting traveling nomadic groups, including the mythic Wandering Bazaar.  


The vast rolling land of the Desert Kitsune is known for being deceptive. One can appear to be completely alone one moment and then be upon another in the company of many. The winds having nothing to break their assault howl across the plains. Leaving deep grooves where their settlements take shelter in the natural valleys. To the east the red and white marbles bluffs rise like pillars toward the sky. Curling formations of rock blasted into incredible shapes and flat topped mesas spill further toward the rocky landscape of El Falam . Housed within the breathtaking bluffs is the city of Kula holds at it's peak the brilliant shining palace of Nuza. A network of magically constructed wells and channels allows for water to be pulled from deep within the disc to keep the people nourished. It is also home to the fount of knowledge and magic the @Kuli The greaest learning institute for the magical arts, philosophy, engineering, and a myriad of other disciplines the world has yet to see making it a driving progressive force of the Empire.

El Falam

The rocky mount cliffs that overlook steep drops into the seat are the home of the Sand Dragons of Sraebadah. High rocky bastions overlook the approach from a more warlike Alvara making them key sentinels for all of the Empire. The people of El Falam rarely fear the height of moving along their rocky homes and their bravery is only matched by their cleverness as large elevators are used to move goods from the small beaches up to be carted away. Or brought to the massive Palace Fortress of Liwan carved from reinforced gleaming Dragon Sandstone. The savannah that fills out the back of it feeds most of large coastal cities while trading for goods brought from far away nations.  


Mountain peaks rise from the boarder of Al Jahriyya giving call to the clouds to keep the area lush year round. The Salamanders live comfortably among the mountains with their lush greenery and abundant, towering creatures that fill their land. Built into the mountain valley is the beautiful walled city of Narila. Known for it's deep, slate gray walls sporting the ferocious faces of the beasts and monsters that harry the inhabitants now keeping them safe. Rising above it on the mountain is the palace of Halila. The forest seeming to be part of Palace itself. Towering trees at the corners are in fact guard towers and beautifully manicured hedges seem to weave into walls. Rivers running down from the mountains as their bounty spills over leaving many ponds and lakes along the way giving life to a myriad of flora and fauna.  

Al Jahriyya

Sharing a border with Kibo, Al Jahriyya sits at the base of Sraebadah. The coastal jungles and vast plains that make up the majority of this empire contribute to it's wealth. Food is easily grown and animals easily kept in the villages that dot the savannah. The Emir and his family rule from their seat in Topkah  in the Jalaban Palace. This region is densely populated, as the Samun River runs through it; the villages that have cropped up along the coast and the river have cultivated a fishing trade network and have had a very profitable few years.  



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